

  • 剧情 电影 
  • Thure Lindhardt 奥拉·拉佩斯 Anette Støvelbæk Christian Gade Bjerrum 
  • 1962. A young generation rebels against the Establishment. Peace activist Eik Skaløe meets Iben and 1962. A young generation rebels against the Establishment. Peace activist Eik Skaløe meets Iben and falls head over heels in love, but Iben refuses to commit herself to one man only. Desperate, Eik tries to win her over by transforming from poet to writer, nomad, junkie and eventually lead singer in the destined-to-become-legendary band STEPPEULVENE.
  • 电影 
  • Thure Lindhardt 奥拉·拉佩斯 Anette Støvelbæk Christian Gade Bjerrum Joachim Fjelstrup 
  • 0
  • 根据真人真事改编丹麦摇滚乐队「Steppeulvene」传奇故事揭开「嬉皮士」的性爱、吸毒及爱情等价值观影片反映60年代嬉皮士的生活,3个嬉皮士(2男1女)一路旅行一路zuoai,放荡不堪,对社会不满根据真人真事改编丹麦摇滚乐队「Steppeulvene」传奇故事揭开「嬉皮士」的性爱、吸毒及爱情等价值观影片反映60年代嬉皮士的生活,3个嬉皮士(2男1女)一路旅行一路zuoai,放荡不堪,对社会不满。无政府主义。
  • 爱情 电影 
  • 本·鲍尔 DaviSantos JanaLeeHamblin AjionaAlexus ChristianLagadec 
  • 亚马逊排行榜的最畅销同志小说《SomethingLikeSummer》已确定将被改编成电影。这部被称为美国版《十年》的小说以两个男孩的爱恨纠葛为主线。他们第一次见面就爱上对方,但囿于家庭和社会压力,先亚马逊排行榜的最畅销同志小说《SomethingLikeSummer》已确定将被改编成电影。这部被称为美国版《十年》的小说以两个男孩的爱恨纠葛为主线。他们第一次见面就爱上对方,但囿于家庭和社会压力,先后成为朋友,恋人与仇敌,从十六岁到二十六岁,虐爱整整十年才最终走到一起。在读者推荐名单中,它被认为塑造了“最成功的人物角色”,并且“最应该出续集”的同志小说。
  • 剧情 
  • Hannah Fry Helen Czerski Kevin Fong Teena Gade Peter Gibbs Michael Mosley Adam Rutherford Zoe Williams Giles Yeo James Young 
  • This episode looks at the issues that will change the way we live our lives in the future. Rather thThis episode looks at the issues that will change the way we live our lives in the future. Rather than relying on the minds of science fiction writers, mathematician Hannah Fry delves into the data we have today to provide an evidence-based vision of tomorrow. With the help of the BBC's science experts - and a few surprise guests - Hannah investigates the questions the British public want answered about the future.   Hannah tries to discover whether we could ever live forever or if there will ever be a cure for cancer. She finds out how research into the human brain may one day help with mental health, and if it is possible to ever ditch fossil fuels. Hannah and her guests also discover the future of transport - and when, if ever, we really will see flying cars. She discovers whether a robot will take your job or if, as some believe, we will all one day actually become cyborgs. The programme predicts what the weather will be like and discovers if we are on the verge of another mass extinction. Hannah's tenth prediction is something she - and Horizon - are confident will definitely happen, and that is to expect the unexpected!
  • 剧情 
  • Hannah Fry Helen Czerski Kevin Fong Teena Gade Peter Gibbs Michael Mosley Adam Rutherford Zoe Williams Giles Yeo James Young 
  • This episode looks at the issues that will change the way we live our lives in the future. Rather thThis episode looks at the issues that will change the way we live our lives in the future. Rather than relying on the minds of science fiction writers, mathematician Hannah Fry delves into the data we have today to provide an evidence-based vision of tomorrow. With the help of the BBC's science experts - and a few surprise guests - Hannah investigates the questions the British public want answered about the future.   Hannah tries to discover whether we could ever live forever or if there will ever be a cure for cancer. She finds out how research into the human brain may one day help with mental health, and if it is possible to ever ditch fossil fuels. Hannah and her guests also discover the future of transport - and when, if ever, we really will see flying cars. She discovers whether a robot will take your job or if, as some believe, we will all one day actually become cyborgs. The programme predicts what the weather will be like and discovers if we are on the verge of another mass extinction. Hannah's tenth prediction is something she - and Horizon - are confident will definitely happen, and that is to expect the unexpected!
  • 动作 
  • 阿克谢·库玛尔 Sonakshi Sinha Nasser Paresh Ganatra Supreeth Reddy Jayant Gadekar 卡琳娜·卡普尔 维杰 Prabhu Deva Maryam Zakaria Shakti Mohan Mumait Khan 
  • 席瓦(阿克謝飾演)是孟买一个小偷,整日跟小弟两斤四处偷拐抢骗,他对帕萝(索南卡什飾演)一见锺情,因此為了帕蘿,他计划金盆洗手就當他希望金盆洗手前最後一次偷東西,席瓦跟两斤偷到一个箱子,箱子里有一个女孩席瓦(阿克謝飾演)是孟买一个小偷,整日跟小弟两斤四处偷拐抢骗,他对帕萝(索南卡什飾演)一见锺情,因此為了帕蘿,他方案金盆洗手就當他希望金盆洗手前最後一次偷東西,席瓦跟两斤偷到一个箱子,箱子里有一个女孩琴琪突然对席瓦叫爸爸,生性厌恶小孩的席瓦对这个女孩厌恶不已,但也希望找出這背後真相,把小孩送走,没想到一路上却引来杀机,原来小女孩的父亲维克蓝姆拿托(阿克謝飾演)跟席瓦长得如出一辙,由于得罪中央权益最後不幸身亡,终究席瓦要如何面对这样的困境,为自己跟琴琪讨回一个公允呢?本片翻拍自南印度电影,是这部电影的第三个翻拍版本,在印度上映迄今七周,人气照旧,是往年印度电影圈第一部Bluckster作品,颇受好评。而导演Prabhu一如过去导演《通缉令》(Wanted)一样再度小露舞技。