

  • 喜剧 电影 
  • GonzaloVega 卡拉·苏扎 路易·赫拉多·门德斯 JuanPabloGil IanisGuerrero JuanCarlosGascón 
  • 108分钟
  • 豆瓣 6.6 / IMDB 7.4这部影戏讲述的是一位白手起家的有钱人和他三个游手好闲的子女的故事。这三个年青人都是二十几岁,靠着老爸的钱过着奢靡的生涯,因此老爸导演了一场圈套,让孩子们认为自己已经破产,并带着全家人搬到了一个低收入的贫民区。在那里,孩子们必需要做一件他们从未做过的事情:找到真正的事情。  在大儿子哈维(Javi)哀叹自己的黑卡(美国运通讯用卡)和黑莓手机(BlackBerry)被注销了以后,搞笑的情节随之展开。哈维找到了一份在墨西哥城凌乱的大街上开迷你巴士的事情。人如其名的女儿芭比(Barbie)在一家作风粗鄙的酒吧找到了一份女接待的事情。当芭比被告诉酒吧的员工均分小费后,她哭泣着说:“可是我们又不是在古巴!”最小的儿子对释教和瑜伽有所浏览,他成为了最底层的资本家:一名银行柜员,他必需听命于一位性饥渴的女上司。
  • 科幻 电影 
  • Marcel Sabourin André Montmorency Jean Marchand Jacques Languirand Gabriel Gascon 
  • Mars et Avril takes place in a Montreal of the future when humanity is ready to move to Mars. But, nMars et Avril takes place in a Montreal of the future when humanity is ready to move to Mars. But, not everyone is ready to go. Jacob Obus, a charismatic and beloved septuagenarian, leader of the anti-cybernetic movement, takes pride in slowing down time. He plays captivating music on instruments inspired by women’s bodies and designed by his friend, Arthur. It’s when Jacob and Arthur are smitten by Avril, a young and short-winded photographer, that the true nature of the old sex symbol is revealed. After making love for the first time in his life, Jacob is ready to leave for Mars in search of his muse. In the midst of everything arrives Eugène Spaak, inventor, cosmologist and Arthur’s father, who maintains that Mars is only a chimera.