

  • 剧情 电影 
  • Julius Cotter 米奇·艾斯巴尔贝 Cris Iglesias 
  • 104分钟
  • A sound designer finds refuge from broken relationships with her ex, her colleagues and her mother iA sound designer finds refuge from broken relationships with her ex, her colleagues and her mother in the studio, where she can spend hours recording Foley and wild tracks, editing and mixing.But is her brain starting to slip out of sync?
  • 喜剧 剧情 电影 
  • CarlosIglesias JavierGutiérrez 
  • 102分钟
  • 豆瓣 8.1 / IMDB 7.11960年的西班牙,马丁和马可斯决议去瑞士讨生涯,他们离别家人踏上旅途,在其时自由提高的欧洲寻找自己的新生涯。二人定居在瑞士一座产业小镇,一边在厂里做机械工,一边在适应着本地生疏的思维模式和生涯方法。马丁的妻子比拉尔,儿子巴普洛和马可斯的女友玛丽亚卡门的到来打断了二人在这个自由国家的生涯。马丁和比拉尔的日常生涯就是事情,小巴普洛则开端上学并把这个处所作为新家。当马丁的父亲逝世时,他们意识到为什么会来到这里,并且是时候回家了。出乎他们的意料,回家比离家越发艰苦。  Spain,1960.TwofriendsnamedMartinandMarcosdecidetolookforjobsinSwitzerland.TheyleavetheirfamiliesbehindinSpainandheadoffontheirjourneytothefree,progressivepartofEurope.Theywillhaveadapttoverydifferentwayoflifethere,workingasmechanicsatafactoryandlivinginasmallindustrialtown.ThearrivalofMartin´swifePilarandsonPablo,andMarcos´girlfriendMariadelCarmen,markstheendofthebachelorlifetheywerelivinginacountrywithlostoffreedom.MartinandPilar´severydaylifeistheirwork,whilelittlePablostartsgoingtoschoolandmakingthenewplacehishome.WhenMartin´sfatherdies,theyrealizethey'vealreadygowhattheywentthereforandit´stimetoreturn.Muchtotheirsusprise,goinghomeismuchharderthanleavingwas.
  • 喜剧 
  • Gabriel Iglesias 
  • 在本部中,加布里埃尔·伊格莱西亚斯将聊到他青春期的儿子和巧遇史努比狗狗的故事...在本部中,加布里埃尔·伊格莱西亚斯将聊到他青春期的儿子和巧遇史努比狗狗的故事...
  • 纪录 电影 
  • Raphael Clamer Jojo Mayer Cristina Iglésias 
  • In Japanese aesthetics, Wabi-Sabi describes a continuous cycle of becoming and passing away. TemporaIn Japanese aesthetics, Wabi-Sabi describes a continuous cycle of becoming and passing away. Temporality and age are inherent in every object and creature and, depending on one’s outlook, may transcend to infinity. How can this be imagined? What goes beyond it? The filmmaker Christoph Schaub starts his very personal journey through time and space in his childhood, when his fascination with sacred buildings began – and his wonder at beginnings and ends.Architecture helps separate the finite and the infinite. It offers protection from what is boundless, at the same time creating a sense of vastness, the narrator claims. Together with architects and artists he explores the magic of sacred spaces, defined here as far more than church buildings. The artist James Turrell, known, among other things, for his “Skyspaces”, reflects on who owns spirituality – fundamental for this film which follows “spiritual life” in architecture and the fine arts, but also in nature, and literally lifts it over and above the limits of thinking. A slightly floating camera immerses us in other-worldly, somnambulistic images, takes us on a sensual and sensing journey through vast spaces, and guides our eye towards the infinity of the starry sky and the depths of the ocean. Past and present, primeval times and light years, it’s all there.