

  • 剧情 电影 
  • 休·杰克曼 劳拉·邓恩 凡妮莎·柯比 泽恩·麦格拉思 安东尼·霍普金斯 休·夸希 礼萨·迪亚科 威廉·霍普 乔基姆·斯卡利 小田部阿基 Julia Westcott-Hutton Isaura Barbé-Brown Danielle Lewis Kenny-Lee Mbanefo Rene Costa 埃里克·海登 雷切尔·汉德肖 陈信妃 
  • 123分钟
  • 休·杰克曼和劳拉·邓恩将主演新片《儿子》(The Son),是热门冲奥片《困在时间里的父亲》导演佛罗莱恩·泽勒执导,依旧改编自他创作的同名戏剧,并同克里斯托弗·汉普顿一起写剧本。泽勒的“家庭三部曲”目休·杰克曼和劳拉·邓恩将主演新片《儿子》(The Son),是抢手冲奥片《困在时间里的父亲》导演佛罗莱恩·泽勒执导,照旧改编自他创作的同名戏剧,并同克里斯托弗·汉普顿一同写剧本。泽勒的“家庭三部曲”目前曾经有两部影视化。  《父亲》探求老年聪明症对情感的消灭性影响,《儿子》则聚焦青少年抑郁症,讲述彼得(杰克曼)和新的伴侣及刚出生不久的孩子过着忙碌的生活,以后妻凯特(邓恩)带着他们处于青春期、充溢困扰和愤怒的儿子尼古拉斯出现后,一切变得混乱不堪。  彼得努力成为一个更好的父亲,用亲密的家庭幸福时辰来协助儿子,但尼古拉斯的外形让这个家庭走上了一条风险的路途,他们必需尽一切努力来维系勾搭分歧的纽带。
  • 伦理 电影 
  • Sasha Montenegro José Alonso Isaura Espinoza 
  • An engineer moves into a bungalow on the beach next to a widow and her two boys. It's obvious that tAn engineer moves into a bungalow on the beach next to a widow and her two boys. It's obvious that there is a spark between the two adults but it would be a dull film if everything turned out happily ever after. The older boy has a bit of an Oedipal complex and seems to really, really like his mom. Of course, that means that no other man can come and break up their "happy" fami...
  • 恐怖 
  • 比尔·莫斯利 J·拉罗斯 Jisaura Cardinale 
  • Five disparate youths, lost on a road trip to the location of the infamous 'mangrove slasher,' end up being pursued by a cadre of cannibal clowns.Fivedisparateyouths,lostonaroadtriptothelocationoftheinfamous#39;mangroveslasher,#39;endupbeingpursuedbyacadreofcannibalclowns.