

  • 喜剧 喜剧片 电影 
  • Elisa Hipólito Sergio Olmos 布莱恩埃托 
  • 125分钟
  • Two years after their basketball victory, Los Amigos is reunited by Cecilia, an inexperienced but opTwo years after their basketball victory, Los Amigos is reunited by Cecilia, an inexperienced but optimistic coach. Against all odds they find themselves participating in a worldwide watched eSports tournament.
  • 动画 日本动漫 动漫 
  • 伊藤彩沙 Ayasa Itō 
  • 漫画『精灵小姐瘦不了』(エルフさんは痩せられない。)TV动画化企划进行中漫画『精灵小姐瘦不了』(エルフさんは痩せられない。)TV动画化企划中止中
  • 剧情 电影 
  • Quito Rayon Richter 艾尔莎·霍本 Charles François 
  •  Nikolaï was abandoned at birth and has been in foster care ever since. Although a family would like Nikolaï was abandoned at birth and has been in foster care ever since. Although a family would like to give the sixteen-year-old boy a home, he decides to make one himself. He meets Camille, an intriguing fifteen-year-old wiseacre, and tries to convince her to make a child together. Nikolaï is convinced that he can handle any problem and wants to avoid at all costs that an adult thwarts his plans. Camille and Nikolaï flee together from the home and isolate themselves in the woods. In the heart of this gloomy, mysterious forest, Nikolaï will have to face his first feelings and learn to become a man. Soon, he feels that there are many things he cannot control.
  • 动画 日韩动漫 动漫 
  • 田丸笃志 Atsushi Tamaru 贯井柚佳 Yuka Nukui 山田美铃 Yamada Misuzu 大和田仁美 Hitomi Ohwada 杉山里穗 Sugiyama Riho 菅原慎介 Shinsuke Sugawara 
  • 舞台是名门金伯利魔法学校。在这所学校,毕业前有两成学生或残废或失踪,还有人发狂并最终死去。这就是所谓的“为魔所噬”——春天,奥利佛·霍恩来到了金伯利。他温和而理性,背后却有着若隐若现的阴影。他身边聚集舞台是名门金伯利魔法学校。在这所学校,毕业前有两成先生或残废或失踪,还有人发狂并最终死去。这就是所谓的“为魔所噬”——春天,奥利佛·霍恩分开了金伯利。他平和而理性,面前却有着若隐若现的阴影。他身边聚集起出身背景各不相反的少年少女,并与魔法师们尽可以地相互商榷。这些未来的魔法师们满怀希望地走过了学园的大门。但是,人称魔境的金伯利却对他们显露了风险的獠牙。与同伴们邂逅,前往魔境的他将面临什么样的命运――于是,围绕“七魔剑”展开的故事,如今,末尾了。
  • 剧情 悬疑 惊悚 传记 犯罪 海外 欧美 电视 
  • 哈维尔·古铁雷斯 特里斯坦·乌罗阿 坎德拉·佩尼亚 艾丽西娅·博拉切罗 弗兰塞斯克·奥雷利亚 Tito Asorey 里卡多·德巴雷罗 Vianessa Casta?os Felice 
  • 2013 年 9 月 21 日,罗莎里奥·波尔图和阿方索·巴斯特拉报警称他们的女儿阿颂塔失踪了。几小时后,她的尸体在圣地亚哥德孔波斯特拉郊外的一条道路旁被发现。警方着手调查之后很快就发现了证据,表明罗2013 年 9 月 21 日,罗莎里奥·波尔图和阿方索·巴斯特拉报警称他们的女儿阿颂塔失踪了。几小时后,她的尸体在圣地亚哥德孔波斯特拉郊外的一条路途旁被发现。警方着手调查之后很快就发现了证据,标明罗莎里奥和阿方索可以是这起立功的凶手。这个音讯震撼了整座城市,甚至是整个国度。是什么让一对父母终了了他们女儿的生命?完美家庭的面前隐藏着什么?