

  • 恐怖 奇幻 电影 
  • Matt Dellapina 柴纳萨·奥格布阿古 Campbell Scott 
  • 80分钟
  • Joba and Quincy are a wealthy Brooklyn couple who value charity above all. But when a friend returnsJoba and Quincy are a wealthy Brooklyn couple who value charity above all. But when a friend returns from a country pilgrimage to challenge their bleeding hearts, they accept an invitation that will change their lives forever.
  • 恐怖 
  • MarcienneDwyer MattDellapina ChrisHill EvaHamilton camerongordon 
  • Alexandra reluctantly tags along for Slasher Sleepout, an extreme event that is part camping trip, pAlexandra reluctantly tags along for Slasher Sleepout, an extreme event that is part camping trip, part haunted house, and part escape room. But when the fun turns deadly, Alex has to play the game if she wants to make it out alive.
  • 欧美 
  • JolieHoang-Rappaport TylerSanders JennaQureshi TessParas MattDellapina 詹姆斯·乌尔班尼亚克 CaseySimpson SydneyTaylor 
  • In this spinoff of the successful series JUST ADD MAGIC, we follow the magic cookbook to Bay City asIn this spinoff of the successful series JUST ADD MAGIC, we follow the magic cookbook to Bay City as it moves to three new protectors: step-siblings Zoe and Leo, and their upstairs neighbor Ish. Each of the three brings a unique skill to the table, as the cookbook unlocks a centuries-old mystery that takes them on an historical adventure through the city streets in a race to find a secret recipe. In a spinoff of the successful series JUST ADD MAGIC, we follow the magic cookbook to Bay City as it moves to three new protectors: step-siblings Zoe and Leo, and their downstairs neighbor Ish. Each of the three brings a unique skill to the table, as the cookbook unlocks a centuries-old mystery that takes them on an historical adventure through the city streets in a race to find a secret recipe.
  • 欧美 电视 
  • Jolie Hoang-Rappaport Tyler Sanders Jenna Qureshi Tess Paras Matt Dellapina 詹姆斯·乌尔班尼亚克 Casey Simpson Sydney Taylor 
  • In this spinoff of the successful series JUST ADD MAGIC, we follow the magic cookbook to Bay City asIn this spinoff of the successful series JUST ADD MAGIC, we follow the magic cookbook to Bay City as it moves to three new protectors: step-siblings Zoe and Leo, and their upstairs neighbor Ish. Each of the three brings a unique skill to the table, as the cookbook unlocks a centuries-old mystery that takes them on an historical adventure through the city streets in a race to find a secret recipe. In a spinoff of the successful series JUST ADD MAGIC, we follow the magic cookbook to Bay City as it moves to three new protectors: step-siblings Zoe and Leo, and their downstairs neighbor Ish. Each of the three brings a unique skill to the table, as the cookbook unlocks a centuries-old mystery that takes them on an historical adventure through the city streets in a race to find a secret recipe.
  • 喜剧 电影 
  • 凯伦科尔曼 AndyRidings MattDellapina DrewMonson 安娜·阿卡娜 
  • 86分钟
  • 豆瓣 N/A / IMDB N/AKelenColeman(TheNewsroom),AndyRidings(UnbreakableKimmySchmidt)andMattDellapina(TheseHopelessSavages)havejoinedthecastofLionsgate’sDirtyThirty,alongwithYouTubestarDrewMonsonandAntMan‘sAnnaAkana.DirtyThirty,whichisfilminginL.A.underthedirectionofAndrewBush(RollerTown)fromascriptbyMamrieHart,isacomedyaboutanepic30thbirthdaypartythatgetsabittooepic.Coleman,RidingsandDellapinaplayloveinterestsforstarsGraceHelbig,HannahHartandMamrieHart.Monsonwillbeacoworker,andAkanaisthegirls’archnemesis