

  • 剧情 纪录片 电影 
  • José Manuel 'El Doctor' Mireles Tim Nailer Foley Enrique Peña Nieto 
  • 100分钟
  • 豆瓣 7.8在这个经典的21世纪西方电影里,两国交界边境的治安警察与恶毒的墨西哥贩毒集团斗智斗勇。这部以人物为主导的电影以前所未有的方式引发了人们对目无法纪,法律秩序的崩溃以及是否应该以暴制暴这些问题的深度思考。
  • 动作 
  • Robbie Lee Joanne Nail Monica Gayle 
  • 91
  • The "Dagger Debs" are a gang of snarling girls, and Maggie is their newest member. Lace, tThe "Dagger Debs" are a gang of snarling girls, and Maggie is their newest member. Lace, the ever tooth-gritting leader, befriends her but soon has doubts --it seems Lace's man, Dominic, head of the "Silver Daggers" fancies the new recruit. Lace struggles to keep control of the Debs, and a handle on Nick, as they face off against the rival gang of pushers lead by Crabs.The Silver Daggers are a gang of young hoods who control an inner-city high school, where they sell drugs and sex to the student body and fight anyone who gets in their way. The Daggers have a ladies' auxiliary, The Dagger Debs, who rumble just as hard as the men, but one day chief Dagger Deb Lace meets her match in Maggie, a new kid who won't back down. When a scuffle lands Maggie and the Debs in jail for the night, Maggie comes to Lace's rescue, and Maggie becomes Lace's new right-hand woman. However, fellow Deb Patch is jealous of Maggie's friendship with Lace, and begins spinning a web of deceit to destroy Lace's trust in the new deb. In the midst of the infighting, the Silver Daggers find their turf challenged by a rival gang who pose as a community action team, and the Debs join forces with a revolutionary political group.
  • 爱情 喜剧 歌舞 电影 
  • 斯蒂芬·瑞 比利·康诺利 Jimmy Nail 蒂莫西·斯波 比尔·奈伊 
  • 1977年的威斯贝克音乐节是摇滚乐迷心目中的一场传奇性户外音乐盛会,一个当时颇受欢迎的乐团「奇异果(Strange Fruit)」,因一名团员在舞台上被闪电击毙,令该团不得不被迫戏剧性地解散。 历经21977年的威斯贝克音乐节是摇滚乐迷心目中的一场传奇性户外音乐盛会,一个当时颇受欢迎的乐团「奇异果(Strange Fruit)」,因一名团员在舞台上被闪电击毙,令该团不得不被迫戏剧性地解散。 历经20年后,音乐界计画找回当年表演的团体,将在1998年举办一场纪念音乐会,此时早已破产的键盘手东尼找上了当年的经纪人凯伦, 他们两人为了让重组「奇异果」乐团,努力找寻早已失去连络的团员,却发现他们如今都已雄心不再,变成一般的平民老百姓,一心想东山再起的东尼要如何将这几个已经变老、变胖的欧里桑,重新改造成摇滚「老」乐手,好再次赢得乐迷的喜爱呢?
  • 爱情 电影 
  • 斯蒂芬·瑞 比利·康诺利 JimmyNail 蒂莫西·斯波 比尔·奈伊 
  • 豆瓣 6.01977年的威斯贝克音乐节是摇滚乐迷心目中的一场传奇性户外音乐盛会,一个其时 颇受欢迎的乐团「奇异果(Strange Fruit)」,因一名团员在舞台上被闪电击毙,令该团不得不被迫戏剧性地解散 历经20年后,音乐界计画找回当年演出 的团体,将在1998年举办一场纪念音乐会,此时早已破产的键盘手东尼找上了当年的经纪人凯伦, 他们两人为了让重组「奇异果」乐团,努力找寻早已失去连络的团员,却发明 他们如今都已雄心不再,酿成 一般的平民老黎民 ,一心想东山再起的东尼要如何将这几个已经变老、变胖的欧里桑,重新改革 成摇滚「老」乐手,好再次赢得乐迷的喜爱呢?