

  • 喜剧 电影 
  • Ovidiu Crisan 伊昂·萨普达鲁 Ioana Chitu 
  • Viorel, a tractor driver from a small town accidentally meets Mocanu a high profile politician campaViorel, a tractor driver from a small town accidentally meets Mocanu a high profile politician campaigning for a seat in the European Parliament. Viorel and his wife welcome Mocanu in their humble home. The politician decides to live with this simple family during the rest of the campaign. Mocanu's chameleonic plan is to win people's heart by posing as a common man. But how simple is it to be a common man?
  • 剧情 电影 
  • 本·巴恩斯 安德烈·查多夫 Ovidiu Matesan 
  • 俄罗斯小青年科巴卡(Ben Barnes 饰)和史派克(Andrey Chadov 饰)因拒服兵役而从俄罗斯来到了英国伦敦,在这个执法 严明的国家,没有任何证明和技能的两人在求职门路 上随处 碰壁,俄罗斯小青年科巴卡(Ben Barnes 饰)和史派克(Andrey Chadov 饰)因拒服兵役而从俄罗斯来到了英国伦敦,在这个执法 严明的国家,没有任何证明和技能的两人在求职门路 上随处 碰壁,生活也愈加紧迫。偶然机缘,他们结识了本土小混混阿塔什(Ovidiu Matesan 饰),并从他的身上学到了超市偷窃 、银行洗钱等非法的赚钱手段。在恣意挥霍青春享受快乐之时,他们却未料到自己已越陷越深……本片凭据 瑟吉•萨金和帕沃尔•塔德斯基的日记改编,并荣获2008年洛杉矶DIY影戏 节最佳剧情片奖。