- 类型:动作 电影
- 主演:汤姆·塞兹摩尔 Rashod Freelove 金英熊 Xander Bailey Lesley Grant 卡萝莱娜·瓦加斯 Dylan J. Harris Caleb Lowell Zack Gold Victoria Simone Neli Sabour 安东尼·詹森 Byron Preston Jackson Colin Koth 艾丽卡·杜克 布赖恩·诺瓦克 塔米·克莱因 Chandler Dunman
- 时长:86分钟
- 详细介绍:On its maiden run, the world's fastest bullet train is rigged with a bomb that will explode if it diOn its maiden run, the world's fastest bullet train is rigged with a bomb that will explode if it dips below 200 mph.详情
- 类型:动作 电影
- 主演:汤姆·塞兹摩尔 Rashod Freelove 金英熊 Xander Bailey Lesley Grant 卡萝莱娜·瓦加斯 Dylan J. Harris Caleb Lowell Zack Gold Victoria Simone Neli Sabour 安东尼·詹森 Byron Preston Jackson Colin Koth 艾丽卡·杜克 布赖恩·诺瓦克 塔米·克莱因 Chandler Dunman
- 时长:86分钟
- 详细介绍:On its maiden run, the world's fastest bullet train is rigged with a bomb that will explode if it diOn its maiden run, the world's fastest bullet train is rigged with a bomb that will explode if it dips below 200 mph.详情
- 类型:奇幻 爱情 剧情 电影
- 主演:布伦特·卡沃 Marcel Sabourin Aubert Pallascio
- 时长:
- 详细介绍:豆瓣 6.01952年,魁北克一座监狱里的监犯 突然软禁了前来听取囚犯后悔 的主教毕洛度,软禁的目的,只是要请求毕洛度看完一出由囚犯们演出的舞台剧——凭据 真人真事改编的一出戏临时搭起的戏台上,一个叫西蒙(Jason Cadieux 饰)的美少年与破落贵族少年华立耶(Danny Gilmore 饰)相爱,但是,另一个即将进神学院修行的少年不能容忍自己视为圣者的人物会爱上男人——爱的又是自己之外的男人,他恨恨的掷下手中的油灯,点起大火,听任西蒙与华立耶在火中挣扎。 详情
- 类型:喜剧
- 主演:索菲·德马雷 Marcel Sabourin 维克多·安德雷斯·特根-特雷莱斯 Jean Pierre Bergeron Monique Spaziani Pierre Collin
- 时长:100
- 详细介绍: As the sisters who raised him have to leave, Henry has to figure out how to live by himself within As the sisters who raised him have to leave, Henry has to figure out how to live by himself within the city. He finds a job in a lighting shop and claims to "lighten up people's life". His job will bring him to discover friendship and love.详情
- 类型:科幻 电影
- 主演:Marcel Sabourin André Montmorency Jean Marchand Jacques Languirand Gabriel Gascon
- 时长:
- 详细介绍:Mars et Avril takes place in a Montreal of the future when humanity is ready to move to Mars. But, nMars et Avril takes place in a Montreal of the future when humanity is ready to move to Mars. But, not everyone is ready to go. Jacob Obus, a charismatic and beloved septuagenarian, leader of the anti-cybernetic movement, takes pride in slowing down time. He plays captivating music on instruments inspired by women’s bodies and designed by his friend, Arthur. It’s when Jacob and Arthur are smitten by Avril, a young and short-winded photographer, that the true nature of the old sex symbol is revealed. After making love for the first time in his life, Jacob is ready to leave for Mars in search of his muse. In the midst of everything arrives Eugène Spaak, inventor, cosmologist and Arthur’s father, who maintains that Mars is only a chimera. 详情
- 类型:喜剧 剧情 爱情 电影
- 主演:路易斯·杜索尔 玛丽·吉莲 安托万·迪莱里 卡利亚里 霍利·奥布莱恩 Paul Cagelet Marcel Sabourin 卡利
- 时长:
- 详细介绍:托米打小和母亲贝蒂生活在地处偏远的农场中,生活虽然单调但也不失平静。对于父亲,尽管托米没有任何记忆,但他坚定的认为父亲是一名威风凛凛的宇航员,因此,每天夜晚,托米总是看着浩瀚的天空,幻想着有一天父亲能托米打小和母亲贝蒂生活在地处偏远的农场中,生活虽然单调但也不失平静对于父亲,尽管托米没有任何记忆,但他坚定的认为父亲是一名威风凛凛的宇航员,因此,每天夜晚,托米总是看着浩瀚的天空,幻想着有一天父亲能够从天而降回到自己的身边。对于托米的幻想,贝蒂既没有否定也没有肯定,生活的负重让她的脸上再也浮现不出发自内心的笑容。看着闷闷不乐的母亲,托米十分焦急,一个突然出现的马戏团给托米带来了灵感,由于工作人员的疏忽,小镇无法如约接待马戏团,在托米的一再坚持下,托米家所在的农场成为了替代地点。马戏团成员的到来给托米和贝蒂的生活带来了快乐,一段有关信任和爱的传说就此展开。详情