

  • 剧情 
  • Sammy Silverwatch Nick Yarris 
  • After 23 years on Death Row, a convicted murderer petitions the court for his execution. As he tellsAfter 23 years on Death Row, a convicted murderer petitions the court for his execution. As he tells his story directly to camera, you gradually realise that nothing is quite as clear-cut as it at first seemed. The Fear of 13 is a stylistically daring experiment in storytelling – in effect a one-man play. Part monologue, part confessional and part performance, the film is illustrated with hyper-stylised imagery contextualising a narrative as compelling as any crime drama and features a final, shocking twist that casts his life in a new light. The protagonist carries the film with his charisma and literary turn of phrase recounting his experiences on the wrong side of the law, but David Sington’s film is more than an account of one man’s incarceration; it is both a damning indictment of the US penal system and an emotional meditation on the redemptive power of love and literature.
  • 剧情 
  • Sammy Silverwatch Nick Yarris 
  • 在死囚区服刑23年后,一名被定罪的杀人犯向法院央求处决当他直接对着镜头讲述他的故事时,你逐渐看法到,没有什么比最后看起来更明晰了。对13岁的恐惧是一个在讲故事方面的大胆尝试,实践上是一个单人游戏。一局在死囚区服刑23年后,一名被定罪的杀人犯向法院央求处决当他直接对着镜头讲述他的故事时,你逐渐看法到,没有什么比最后看起来更明晰了。对13岁的恐惧是一个在讲故事方面的大胆尝试,实际上是一个单人游戏。一局部独白,一局部忏悔和一局部扮演,这部电影是虚幻的。。。