

  • 纪录 电影 
  • Foster Gamble Gregg Braden Bruce Lipton Kimberly Carter Gamble Kelly Brogan Nassim Haramein Sacha Stone Gerard Powell Taita Juanito Guillermo Chindoy Chindoy Carlos Duran 
  • THRIVE II: This is What it Takes brings viewers behind the scenes with the people and innovations thTHRIVE II: This is What it Takes brings viewers behind the scenes with the people and innovations that have the power to transform life for everyone. Follow a journey across the globe investigating the most promising solutions in energy, health, consciousness, and non-coercive self-organizing while unpacking the underlying science, principles, and strategies that make them possible. THRIVE II reveals compelling evidence that illustrates a new paradigm of science that Einstein was seeking, unveiling for the layperson an emerging coherent theory of the "Unified Field" and all that it implies. Inspiring trans-political, grass roots, and decentralized solutions, THRIVE II offers practical tools for reclaiming authority over our lives. From new sources of energy to breakthrough health cures, THRIVE II provides the insights and resources needed for viewers to take next steps in accessing and supporting the solutions that can truly create a world that works for everyone.
  • 动作 电影 
  • 杰夫·费伊 Jeff Fahey .... Nicholas Quinten-Harper 罗伊·谢德 Roy Scheider .... Grant Schiller Wilfried Baasner .... László I. Kish .... Jeffrey Licon .... Karina Lombard .... Royan 埃尔塔·马里克 Art Malik .... Taita Valeria Marini .... Tony Musante .... Edmund 
  • 4000年前,埃及艳后与上将 军坦图斯之间擦出了违禁的情欲火花。处刑时两人的惨叫声中却有一丝慰藉 ,因为忠仆泰塔已把他们的孩子放进尼罗河里,祈求河神大灵蛇的佑护。4000年后,年轻的考古学家罗兰和她的4000年前,埃及艳后与上将 军坦图斯之间擦出了违禁的情欲火花。处刑时两人的惨叫声中却有一丝慰藉 ,因为忠仆泰塔已把他们的孩子放进尼罗河里,祈求河神大灵蛇的佑护。4000年后,年轻的考古学家罗兰和她的丈夫杜瑞德在尼罗河畔捡到一个孩子,为他取名作哈比。命运指引他们走入埃及马西莫时期奴隶泰塔的宅兆 ,并在墓中发明 了七个卷轴,上面记载了上古埃及宫廷内产生 的一切,但记载着拥有大量宝藏的法老墓地点 的卷轴已经成了碎片,两人决心回复 第七个卷轴。但即将乐成 之时,文物暴徒 席勒抢走了卷轴,并且 杀死杜瑞德。罗兰强忍悲伤 带着哈比求助丈夫生前的好友:好色的考古学家尼克、哈伯配合 继续寻找宝藏之旅。身后是地方步队 和文物暴徒 的无穷追杀,而眼前,却是无数更为凶险恐怖的陷阱和机关,他们能否携带宝藏逃出生天?4000年之前宫廷秘事还有几多 不为人所知的阴暗真相……