

  • 冒险 电影 
  • TeuiraShantiNapa 米拉·索维诺 RickySuaava 
  • 豆瓣 N/ABasedontheincredibletrue-lifestoryofChiefessKapiolaniwhodescendedintoanactivevolcanotodemonstratehernew-foundfaithandusheredinanewdianshiyu.combeginninginHawaii.
  • 剧情 家庭 
  • 保尔·罗根 罗芙洛 Cindy Lucas John Callahan Jaret Sacrey Jayden Hedden Sian Guirao Andy Gates Errol Sack Freddy John James 
  • 墨菲是一位超级著名的犬类电视明星,它受够了好莱坞高管把他当作“提款机”一样对待,所以它决定执行自己的逃跑计划,在路上还有一群超级可爱的孩子们陪伴着。墨菲是一位超级著名的犬类电视明星,它受够了好莱坞高管把他当作“提款机”一样看待,所以它决议执行自己的逃跑方案,在路上还有一群超级心爱的孩子们陪伴着。
  • 科幻 电影 
  • Marcel Sabourin André Montmorency Jean Marchand Jacques Languirand Gabriel Gascon 
  • Mars et Avril takes place in a Montreal of the future when humanity is ready to move to Mars. But, nMars et Avril takes place in a Montreal of the future when humanity is ready to move to Mars. But, not everyone is ready to go. Jacob Obus, a charismatic and beloved septuagenarian, leader of the anti-cybernetic movement, takes pride in slowing down time. He plays captivating music on instruments inspired by women’s bodies and designed by his friend, Arthur. It’s when Jacob and Arthur are smitten by Avril, a young and short-winded photographer, that the true nature of the old sex symbol is revealed. After making love for the first time in his life, Jacob is ready to leave for Mars in search of his muse. In the midst of everything arrives Eugène Spaak, inventor, cosmologist and Arthur’s father, who maintains that Mars is only a chimera.