

  • 恐怖 电影 
  • Filip Mayer Romina Tonkovic Mladen Vulic 
  • Martina starts a relationship with Filip, a young man who spends most of his time playing video gameMartina starts a relationship with Filip, a young man who spends most of his time playing video games. After Martina convinces Filip to steal her father's money to go to the Party Beach, everything turns into a bloody nightmare.
  • 恐怖 
  • Filip Mayer Romina Tonkovic Mladen Vulic 
  • Martina starts a relationship with Filip, a young man who spends most of his time playing video gameMartina starts a relationship with Filip, a young man who spends most of his time playing video games. After Martina convinces Filip to steal her fathers money to go to the Party Beach, everything turns into a bloody nightmare.
  • 电影 
  • 伊戈尔·别特连科 阿尔焦姆·谢马金 阿列克谢·帕宁 阿列克谢·克拉夫琴科 Anatoli Gushchin 阿马杜·马马达科夫 Yuri Laguta Yekaterina Vulichenko 
  • 97
  • 1944年,二战已接近尾声,在东部的苏德战场上,红军为了摧毁法西斯的最后抵抗,派出了以特拉夫金中尉(IgorPetrenko饰)为首的七人侦察队,他们将要深入敌后,去摸清敌人的兵力部署。这次凶险的任务1944年,二战已接近尾声,在东部的苏德战场上,红军为了摧毁法西斯的最后抵抗,派出了以特拉夫金中尉(IgorPetrenko饰)为首的七人侦察队,他们将要深入敌后,去摸清敌人的兵力部署。这次凶险的任务已经导致多名战士牺牲,但勇敢的侦察队员们毅然出发了,临行前,特拉夫金与通信兵卡佳(YekaterinaVulichenko饰)约定,用“星星”和“大地”作为彼此在电波中联络的暗号。侦察队顺利的潜入敌后,并陆续传回有价值的情报,意识到侦察队威胁的德军方面如临大敌,派出重兵封锁交通,导致侦察队蒙受巨大损失。特拉夫金面对失去战友跟电台的局面,却决定继续前行,完成自己最后的任务……本片获2002年翁弗勒尔俄罗斯电影节大奖等多项褒奖。