

  • 剧情 喜剧 
  • Wasit Pongsopha Thaweerat Julsri Apipon Treetewawongsa Ton Arch 
  • Khao Chon Kai is a military training camp where Thai boys will face the challenge of the training duKhao Chon Kai is a military training camp where Thai boys will face the challenge of the training during their senior year of high school. A group of boys meet at the camp and begin their training together, encountering many obstacles during the rigorous training regimines. Despite the hardships, they discover that friendship and true friends are the most precious things they've found in Khao Chon Kai.
  • 恐怖 电影 
  • Niranart Victoria Coates Pattaranan Deerassami Sarunyu Prachakrit Wasit Phongsopa 
  • 获奖无数的恐怖片导演受邀拍摄一部新的鬼片,投资商点名要求当红小生那成出任男主角,这可愁坏了剧组人员。因为那成不但 脾气急躁 、狂妄 无理,他的妈妈更是神神道道,深信种种 术数 ,并想尽步伐 帮儿子的获奖无数的恐怖片导演受邀拍摄一部新的鬼片,投资商点名要求当红小生那成出任男主角,这可愁坏了剧组人员。因为那成不但 脾气急躁 、狂妄 无理,他的妈妈更是神神道道,深信种种 术数 ,并想尽步伐 帮儿子的事业助力。在整个拍摄过程中,那成母子和剧组人员的摩擦不绝 ,矛盾最终在某小岛上发作 。那成在和剧组争吵时被道具刺伤眼睛,之后更跌落山坡,遭汽车碾压而死。悲剧并未阻止影片的拍摄,剧组选了名不见经传的年轻人阿弩接替那成的位置。 接二连三的变故令那成的妈妈悲伤 欲绝,她恼怒 地施出术数 ,召唤出已长眠地下的那成。恶鬼的复仇旋即展开……