

  • 国产 
  • 利晴天 温茉言 宋一雄 卫然 刘帅 鲁芳岐 王俊筆 冶彦 赵一贝 于媚妍 张傲然 刘贾玺 祁圣翰 金阳 许颢 袁梓铭 刘逢乔 
  • 鬼马少女慕晓如和冷峻天赋晏随由于“穿云玦”在十五年后再次相遇。上一秒还在书店的慕晓如,下一刻竟不测穿越到小说世界且面临追杀。为寻穿云玦,晏随只能与书灵万万一同进入故事救下晓如。为了分开小说时空,同时协鬼马少女慕晓如和冷峻天赋晏随由于“穿云玦”在十五年后再次相遇。上一秒还在书店的慕晓如,下一刻竟不测穿越到小说世界且面临追杀。为寻穿云玦,晏随只能与书灵万万一同进入故事救下晓如。为了分开小说时空,同时协助晏随回家,二人协作努力完成书中角色逆袭的希望。随着相处,原本各怀心思的两人逐渐翻开了心扉,晏随也为了晓如逐渐放下了回家的执念。但是一场大战后,不时忠心守护二人的万万突然丧失看法要消弭小说世界里的一切异类,晏随和晓如自愿进入了混乱的世界,最终他们能否能成功唤醒万万,又能否重获生机呢?
  • 惊悚 科幻 
  • 李政宇 张芷然 黄烁文 于媚妍 赵靖之 王侃伟 恩璟 李凯 左晓光 王冠男 
  • The story started in a secret lab that focused on gene experiments. A researcher ran away from the lThe story started in a secret lab that focused on gene experiments. A researcher ran away from the lab with the gene of hydra, a snake with nine heads. In the primitive forest of Mingling Mountain, she successfully produced the hydra. To get the No. 9 growth hormone, she set up a trap with the scale of the hydra. Unaware of the truth, Professor Chan and her fiancé were lured and stuck in one trap after another!