

  • 伦理 电影 
  • 劳拉·安托内利 亚历桑德罗·莫莫 奥拉齐奥·奥兰多 
  • In Versillia's sandy beaches during the summer of 1956, a gawky adolescent, Sandro, spends his vacatIn Versillia's sandy beaches during the summer of 1956, a gawky adolescent, Sandro, spends his vacation by the sea, along with his family and the intriguingly beautiful Laura, wife of Sandro's older brother, Renzo. Under those circumstances, strange as it may seem, at first, Sandro seems annoyed by Laura's presence, however, little by little, as the two of them spend more and m...
  • 伦理 电影 
  • 贝纳·纪欧多 瓦莱莉娅·铎比奇 劳拉·安托内利 
  • 故事发生在19世纪,一个年轻骑兵军官被派到遥远的兵寨,不得不跟他那丰满的情妇分手,但到了新地方他迷上了长官的神秘表妹,一个长相怪异但欲火熊熊的女人,把他那已婚的情妇忘得一干二净。故事发作在19世纪,一个年轻骑兵军官被派到悠远的兵寨,不得不跟他那丰满的情妇分手,但到了新中央他迷上了长官的奥秘表妹,一个长相怪异但欲火熊熊的女人,把他那已婚的情妇忘得一干二净。