- 类型:喜剧 家庭 犯罪 电影
- 主演:布雷迪布鲁姆 拉瑞恩·纽曼 奇克·文纳拉 马蒂亚斯·休斯 Daniel McVicar
- 时长:92分钟
- 详细介绍:贾斯汀一家人准备开车到山区的渡假木屋过感恩节,刚好在山区商店购物时,他们的车与另一台同型的车子停在一块,与父母呕气的贾斯汀也因而错搭了两位绑匪的车。贾斯汀意外发现两个恶徒绑架了玩具大亨的女儿裘西,在无贾斯汀一家人预备开车到山区的渡假木屋过感恩节,刚好在山区商店购物时,他们的车与另一台同型的车子停在一块,与父母呕气的贾斯汀也因此错搭了两位绑匪的车。贾斯汀不测发现两个恶徒绑架了玩具大亨的女儿裘西,在无人的山区,他只好靠一己之力与强盗斗智,试图救出裘西。最后一家人勾搭一心,不但擒拿强盗,并因此加深了彼此的感情,可谓因祸得福……详情
- 类型:动作
- 主演:Clayton 塞瑞尔·奥莱利 金伯利 乔伊·萨加尔 奇克·文纳拉 马克·瓦哈尼安
- 时长:0
- 详细介绍:赛斯上校及其同伙因对平民展开报复举动被送到军事法庭审讯,他为了避开终生开释的刑期,而与皮斯卡法官达成认罪协议,但皮斯卡反复无常,赛斯相当生气在押狱后挟持了皮斯卡所搭乘的客机,计划将皮斯卡携带的特务资料赛斯上校及其同伙因对平民展开报复举动被送到军事法庭审问,他为了避开终生释放的刑期,而与皮斯卡法官达成认罪协议,但皮斯卡翻云覆雨,赛斯相当生气在押狱后挟持了皮斯卡所搭乘的客机,方案将皮斯卡携带的特务资料公诸于世,让皮斯卡声名狼藉.. 军方派出救援队却宣告失败,救援队独一的生还者麦特跟空服员凯丽携手协作,一同制服了劫机犯,凯丽在机场人员的指点下顺利让飞机平安下降。详情
- 类型:爱情 电影
- 主演:理查·基尔 丽莎·艾科恩 瓦妮莎·雷德格瑞夫 威廉姆·德瓦内 奇克·文纳拉 瑞秋·罗伯茨 托尼·梅洛迪 德里克·汤普森 琼·希克森 阿伦·迪安·斯奈德 安
- 时长:
- 详细介绍:During WWII, the United States set up army bases in Great Britain as part of the war effort. AgainstDuring WWII, the United States set up army bases in Great Britain as part of the war effort. Against their proper sensibilities, many of the Brits don't much like the brash Yanks, especially when it comes to the G.I.s making advances on the lonely British girls, some whose boyfriends are also away for the war. One Yank/Brit relationship that develops is between married John, an Army Captain, and the aristocratic Helen, whose naval husband is away at war. Helen does whatever she needs to support the war effort. Helen loves her husband, but Helen and John are looking for some comfort during the difficult times. Another relationship develops between one of John's charges, Matt, a talented mess hall cook, and Jean. Jean is apprehensive at first about even seeing Matt, who is persistent in his pursuit of her. Jean is in a committed relationship with the kind Ken, her childhood sweetheart who is also away at war. But Jean is attracted to the respect with which Matt treats her. Despite Ken ... Written by Huggo 详情