

  • 动作 奇幻 古装 电影 
  • 史元庭 姜迪 王廷晖 李水诺 许长超 包刘学 
  • 60分钟
  • 豆瓣 2.9商朝初年某天,杨戬狼狈从天而降,记忆受损。附近村子的村女叶子发现后,将其救回。担心杨戬孤独无依的叶子,顶着村民的压力坚持将他留了下来。两人在平淡的生活中渐渐相爱,直到一伙强盗前来洗劫,打破了这平静。为救爱人,杨戬不得不成为了一名斗祭士,在战斗中逐渐激发了自己第三只眼睛的力量。一直潜伏在杨戬身边的搭档青凰也在寻找机会恢复他的记忆,原来这一切都是移魂异人的阴谋所致……
  • 武侠 古装 电影 
  • 金尤美 文卓 婉儿 黎真安 郑金宇 杨韵然 赵静沛 姜迪 金宁 徐小琴 
  • 90分钟
  • 五枚师太、至善禅师、白眉道长、李巴山、冯道德、苗显六人师出同门,因武学理念不同个立门派。五枚师太无意中获得禁术《偃师献技》秘籍,习者可隔空控制傀儡人,无论古今往者或是生亡之人。与此同时,乾隆皇侄永翰,  五枚师太、至善禅师、白眉道长、李巴山、冯道德、苗显六人师出同门,因武学理念不同个立门派。五枚师太无意中获得禁术《偃师献技》秘籍,习者可隔空控制傀儡人,无论古今往者或是生亡之人。与此同时,乾隆皇侄永坤试图通过缴杀武林名士敛学武功绝学,于是化名孙子义潜入峨嵋。恰逢峨嵋遭遇疟疾危机,精通医理的白元明前来救急,与以李二环为首的峨嵋一众女弟子发生纠葛,意外卷入了江湖纷争之中……
  • 剧情 喜剧 电影 
  • 文卓 张冰倩 黎真安 韩金明 潘彦妃 姜迪 婉儿 侯乃森 
  • 豆瓣 2.9千夏和小辣椒看不惯国内影视圈所谓的一些规则,在“日本经济人”的帮助下准备偷渡过海投靠好姐妹安迪。然而到达日本后,姐妹二人遭遇了一系列灾难,又发现安迪竟早已沦落为AV女优还被黑帮控制。三人试图借助黑帮完成上位,不想却意外触发了一场腥风血雨的厮杀……
  • 奇幻 电影 
  • 史元庭 姜迪 王廷晖 李水诺 赵宇豪 贾晓龙 
  • 商朝初年某天,杨戬狼狈从天而降,记忆受损。附近村子的村女叶子发现后,将其救回。担心杨戬孤独无依的叶子,顶着村民的压力坚持将他留了下来。两人在平淡的生活中渐渐相爱,直到一伙强盗前来洗劫,打破了这平静。为商朝初年某天,杨戬狼狈从天而降,记忆受损。附近村子的村女叶子发现后,将其救回。担心杨戬孤独无依的叶子,顶着村民的压力坚持将他留了下来。两人在平淡的生活中渐渐相爱,直到一伙强盗前来洗劫,打破了这平静。为救爱人,杨戬不得不成为了一名斗祭士,在战斗中逐渐激发了自己第三只眼睛的力量。一直潜伏在杨戬身边的搭档青凰也在寻找机会恢复他的记忆,原来这一切都是移魂异人的阴谋所致……
  • 动作 武侠 古装 玄幻 
  • 文卓 金尤美 婉儿 杨韵然 黎真安 姜迪 金宁 赵静沛 
  • Elderly Nun Wumei, Zen Master Zhi Shan, Taoist Priest Bai Mei, Li Ba Shan, Feng Dao De, and Miao XiaElderly Nun Wumei, Zen Master Zhi Shan, Taoist Priest Bai Mei, Li Ba Shan, Feng Dao De, and Miao Xian used to study from the same master. However, with different beliefs about martial arts, they established their own school. Elderly Nun Wumei accidentally obtained a scroll of a special martial arts technique named Yanshi’s Offering. Whoever practices it would be able to remotely control someone else, whether it is someone from the past or someone alive.At the same time, Yong Han, the nephew of Emperor Qianlong, held a grudge against the emperor for his father was eliminated from the clan and died miserably. Under the guise of killing people who were opposing the Qing Dynasty to revive the Ming Dynasty, he established the school of Bagua secretly and honored himself as the God of Sun. He killed many masters of martial arts and plundered the martial art skills of all sects, planning to get rid of Qianlong and usurp the throne. His new target was the Yanshi’s Offering hidden in Emei.To solve the malaria outbreak, Bai Yuan Ming, who was good at medicine, came to Emei. He met the female disciple of Emei, Li Er Huan. The two then got into the clash of the martial arts world. Yong Han sneaked into Emei with the alias of Sun Zi Yi. He tried to start a conflict in the martial arts world in order to get what he wanted. Fortunately, he was defeated by Bai Yuan Ming and Li Er Huan together in the end.