

  • 剧情 
  • 陈浩民 张冬 龚小钧 金刚 孙远宁 周婧 董波 游书亭 刘美妙 刘怡彩 白龙 沈凯 张伟夫 徐云龙 
  • 长安城产生发火别致杀野生作,狄仁杰为查找实情,一起跟随踪影与凶手周旋,甚至被奸人谗谄进狱,最终狄仁杰经由缜密的分解抓到了真实的凶手,长安城恢复了往日的舒适。长安城产生发火别致杀野生作,狄仁杰为查找实情,一起跟随踪影与凶手周旋,甚至被奸人谗谄进狱,最终狄仁杰经由缜密的分解抓到了真实的凶手,长安城恢复了往日的舒适。
  • 冒险 悬疑 奇幻 
  • 张喜来 郑惜月 丁贺 郝文学 张伟夫 张美娥 
  • The cheerful young man, Qiangzi, has been doing something on the sly since he returns to the universThe cheerful young man, Qiangzi, has been doing something on the sly since he returns to the university in the new term. Qilin, one of his good friends, tries to figure out what Qiangzi is doing, and later finds out he is studying a sealed book. Qiangzi thought the book was no more than a legend. However, before his third grandpa passed away, he told things about the book to Qiangzi and gave all the related materials to him. Therefore, Qiangzi and Qilin decide to search for the sealed book. After myriads of risks along the way, they reach a wonderland of peace and bliss separated from the real world. However, strange things happen and everything is not as good as they think.