

  • 喜剧 经典 微电影 电影 
  • 查理·卓别林 Edgar Kennedy 明塔·德菲 埃德加·肯尼迪 
  • A rich lord loves a girl. A maid who has seen the two accosts the lord in a park and embraces him. TA rich lord loves a girl. A maid who has seen the two accosts the lord in a park and embraces him. This is seen by the girl who calls off their relationship. The lord decides to commit suicide, but the butler replaces the poison with water. The girl, her love now restored, rushes to what she thinks is the lord's deathbed.
  • 剧情 电影 
  • 查理·卓别林 EdgarKennedy 明塔·德菲 AliceDavenport GlenCavender 
  • 豆瓣 3.0贵族少爷杜维爱上了一个标致女孩,却一直没有勇气向她剖明一天,杜维在花圃里碰到了异样貌美如花的女仆,在女仆向他述说完自己 的遭遇后,杜维给了她一个安慰 的拥抱。不幸的,杜维暗恋的女孩此时恰好 颠末花圃目击了这一幕,误觉得杜维和女仆是一对情侣。心急如焚的杜维过后越想越郁闷,竟动起了他杀的念头。好在睿智的男管家眼明手快,把毒药悄悄 换成了水,才阻止了喜剧的发作。女孩在得知了杜维的心意后很是冲动 ,最终与之...