- 类型:美国
- 主演:海因米·洛伦特 Pablo Álvarez Sarah Perles Daniel Albaladejo 卡洛斯·巴登 埃米利奥·布阿勒 David Castillo Lucía Díez 胡安·埃查诺维 胡安·费尔南德斯 伊利娅·盖尔拉 希内斯·加西亚·米连 何塞·路易斯·加西亚·佩雷斯 Lucía Guerrero Ignacio Herráez 佐哈·里巴 海梅·奥利亚斯 阿尔瓦罗·里科 艾丽西亚·桑兹 Joan Bentallé 安吉尔·伯纳尼
- 时长:
- 详细介绍:这是关于罗德里戈·迪亚兹·德·维瓦的故事,他是一位卡斯蒂利亚贵族和中世纪西班牙的战争英豪。这是关于罗德里戈·迪亚兹·德·维瓦的故事,他是一位卡斯蒂利亚贵族和中世纪西班牙的战争英豪。详情
- 类型:动作 电影
- 主演:奥斯卡·贾恩那达 巴巴拉·莱涅 劳尔·阿雷瓦洛 胡安·埃查诺维
- 时长:
- 详细介绍:Amazon rainforest, 1538. King Carlos V de España y I de Alemania sends a group of Spanish soldiers tAmazon rainforest, 1538. King Carlos V de España y I de Alemania sends a group of Spanish soldiers to the new continent to locate Teziutlan, a legendary city created with gold, to claim it to the Spanish Empire. Alone in the rainforest and without a help, soldiers face not only indigenous tribes but the manifest hate themselves by their respective birth places. Leaded by old Don Gonzalo, married with young Doña Ana, his aging and weak health turns in danger Ana, who is disputed by Alférez Gorriamendi, Gonzalo's right-hand, and soldier Martín Dávila. After to realize that Viceroy of Port Prince has send another expedition looking for them leaded by Juan Medrano after to accuse Don Gonzalo of treason, Dávila, Gorriamendi and other soldiers as Sargento Bastaurrés and Barbate must decide if fight against Medrano's and his men or continue until Teziutlan. But the rivalry and hate between them will reveal more dangerous than the own rainforest and the indigenous tribes 详情
- 类型:剧情 历史 冒险 电影
- 主演:奥斯卡·贾恩那达 巴巴拉·莱涅 劳尔·阿雷瓦洛 胡安·埃查诺维
- 时长:103分钟
- 详细介绍:豆瓣 N/A / IMDB 5.7Amazonrainforest,1538.KingCarlosVdeEspañayIdeAlemaniasendsagroupofSpanishsoldierstothenewcontinenttolocateTeziutlan,alegendarycitycreatedwithgold,toclaimittotheSpanishEmpire.Aloneintherainforestandwithoutahelp,soldiersfacenotonlyindigenoustribesbutthemanifesthatethemselvesbytheirrespectivebirthplaces.LeadedbyoldDonGonzalo,marriedwithyoungDoñaAna,hisagingandweakhealthturnsindangerAna,whoisdisputedbyAlférezGorriamendi,Gonzalo'sright-hand,andsoldierMartínDávila.AftertorealizethatViceroyofPortPrincehassendanotherexpeditionlookingforthemleadedbyJuanMedranoaftertoaccuseDonGonzalooftreason,Dávila,GorriamendiandothersoldiersasSargentoBastaurrésandBarbatemustdecideiffightagainstMedrano'sandhismenorcontinueuntilTeziutlan.Buttherivalryandhatebetweenthemwillrevealmoredangerousthantheownrainforestandtheindigenoustribes详情