

  • 欧美 电视 
  • 艾瑞卡·林德 Lia Carvalho 
  • 卡米拉曾经自杀未遂。 在一天卡米拉和斯科特乘房车旅行。在后来卡米拉和斯科特分手,而迪尼斯和伊冯分手了又重聚。彼得在他的工作室里寻找灵感。 卡米拉在平行世界见到了汤米。在这期间父亲与母亲邂逅。而卡米拉在卡米拉曾经自杀未遂。 在一天卡米拉和斯科特乘房车游览。在后来卡米拉和斯科特分手,而迪尼斯和伊冯分手了又重聚。彼得在他的任务室里寻觅灵感。 卡米拉在平行世界见到了汤米。在这时期父亲与母亲邂逅。而卡米拉在事实生活中遇见了汤米,,,,
  • 欧美 电视 
  • 艾瑞卡·林德 Lia Carvalho 
  • How far can a father go to guarantee a world ofhappiness to his daughter?Lisbon is the elected city How far can a father go to guarantee a world ofhappiness to his daughter?Lisbon is the elected city for the series. Elected forits natural beauty, for its river Tejo and the proximityto the ocean, the constant and unshakableinspiration of the people,narrow streets and avenues and for its typical neighborhoods full of untoldstories. The characters of "Lisboa Azul" meet in thecity to untie the knots of a series that happens in a day. The day when everything changes.