

  • 恐怖 
  • 光事 阮煌福 芝芙 范进 怀安 
  • Lan - a detective fiction author - couldn"t bear the hurt from her husband"s betrayal, so she decideLan - a detective fiction author - couldn"t bear the hurt from her husband"s betrayal, so she decided to leave the house and move to an rental apartment in an old building with her five years old son, Bi. Around the same time she moved in there, Vu - an amateur musician- also chose an apartment here to live in. Once Lan received a music box by chance from Mrs. Chu, the apartment manager, her family as well as the other tenants kept being tormented by horrible nightmares. Hence, Lan and Vu determined to find out the truth behind the spooky music box and the female spirit in a red dress.
  • 喜剧 电影 
  • 杨晃 吴建辉 越香 秋庄 范进禄 
  • 阿煇從車禍昏迷中甦醒,發現自己失去了所有的記憶並且擁有了看得見鬼的能力。「見鬼」讓阿煇在重新找回從前生活的路上,又是驚嚇又是挫折。與此同時,又遇上了和自己一樣失去記憶的女鬼阿芙,她的糾纏不清讓阿煇的生阿煇從車禍复苏中甦醒,發現本人掉掉了一切的記憶並且擁有了看得見鬼的才华。「見鬼」讓阿煇在从新找回從前生存的路上,又是驚嚇又是曲折。與此同時,又赶上了和本人一樣掉掉記憶的女鬼阿芙,她的糾纏不清讓阿煇的生存再次堕进一團亂。這樣兩個同樣掉掉記憶的一人一鬼,碰在一同會發生怎樣的事情呢?
  • 真人秀 综艺 
  • 范进禄