

  • 剧情 犯罪 欧美剧 欧美 电视 
  • 肖恩·宾 詹姆斯·尼尔森-乔伊斯 汉娜·昂斯洛 杰克·麦克马伦 朱莉·格雷厄姆 劳拉·艾克曼 凯文·哈维 希尔莎-莫妮卡·杰克逊 迈克·诺布尔 鲍比·斯科菲尔德 达茜·肖 斯蒂芬·沃尔特斯 
  • 60分钟
  • Set and filmed in Liverpool, This City is Ours is the story of Michael, a man who for all of his aduSet and filmed in Liverpool, This City is Ours is the story of Michael, a man who for all of his adult life has been involved in organised crime, working for his friend and the gang leader Ronnie. When Ronnie begins to hint at retirement, Michael too begins to imagine another life. Because, for the first time in his life, Michael is in love. For the first time in his life, he s... (展开全部)   Set and filmed in Liverpool, This City is Ours is the story of Michael, a man who for all of his adult life has been involved in organised crime, working for his friend and the gang leader Ronnie. When Ronnie begins to hint at retirement, Michael too begins to imagine another life. Because, for the first time in his life, Michael is in love. For the first time in his life, he sees beyond the day-to-day, he sees a future: something to win and something to lose - Diana.
  • 喜剧 惊悚 犯罪 电影 
  • Josh Alexander 纳肖恩·基尔塞 基斯·诺布斯 琦普·帕杜 维森特·帕斯托雷 Kenneth Simmons 丹尼尔·斯图尔特·谢尔曼 Lou Sumrall 大卫·瓦迪姆 
  • 杰森是一个屡受上司欺压的士兵,一次争执中他掐死了他的上司。随后他被一个非法机构找到,他们给他一个新的任务。他和一个素昧平生的人拷在了一起,在森林里被一群人追杀,这群人追杀他们是为了一个公文包,这个公文  影片《公文包》由杰森·克拉夫奇克执导,讲述一个关于公文包的喜剧故事。男主角曾经在体育场工作了3年,他没有过参军经历却杀过人,他将自己置于危险之中。他和他的小伙伴被同一个手铐铐在一起不能分开,他们不知道他们应该去哪,但身后总有人拿着枪想杀掉他们。就在这时他和他的小伙伴却有了一些矛盾,因为他们带着一个神秘公文包,此时男主角想打开公文包,看看里面到底装着什么东西,然而他的小伙伴却坚...
  • 动作 犯罪 冒险 电影 
  • 聂荣鑫 赵燕国彰 龚芳妮 戴天 嘉维 徐坤 诺布 韩文军 关伟 马亚军 吴克刚 白瑶 郭冬临 于荣光 
  • 85分钟
  • 电影《护卫者2》讲述的国际保镖高天在得到前任雇主的求救电话后立即前往救援。在毫无线索且孤掌难鸣的情况下,高天找到曾经的前辈,在其帮助下组建起一支临时的救援队伍。但救援任务一波三折,情报混淆,是非难辨,电影《护卫者2》讲述的国际保镖高天在失掉前任雇主的求救电话后立刻前往救援。在毫无线索且孤掌难鸣的状况下,高天找到曾经的晚辈,在其协助下组建起一支暂时的救援队伍。但救援义务一波三折,情报混杂,是责难辨,终究谁才是最后的不法分子……
  • 音乐 歌舞 电影 
  • 阿利斯泰尔·布拉默 乔恩·琼·布里恩斯 丽娅·萨隆加 RachelleAnnGo 伊娃·诺布勒札达 
  • 200
  • 勋伯格有名音乐剧2014年伦敦复排版的舞台录像,采取影戏剪辑伎俩,拍摄制造十分优良,但仅上映极少场次。之后刊行DVD。勋伯格有名音乐剧2014年伦敦复排版的舞台录像,采取影戏剪辑伎俩,拍摄制造十分优良,但仅上映极少场次。之后刊行DVD。
  • 爱情 喜剧 电影 
  • 弗兰克·威利 詹妮弗·康纳利 诺布尔·威林厄姆 德蒙特·莫罗尼 珍妮·奥哈拉 Nada Despotovich 巴里·柯宾 基兰·麦隆尼 
  • Josie, the daughter of the town's wealthiest businessman, faces problems at home and wishes to leaveJosie,thedaughterofthetown'swealthiestbusinessman,facesproblemsathomeandwishestoleavehome,butisdisorientated.HerdecisionisfinalizedaftershefallsasleepinaTargetdressingroom,andawakestofindthatsheislockedinthestoreovernightwiththejanitor,Jim,thetown"nohoper"andliar.AdecisiontogotoL.A.isestablished,butfirsttheymustgetthroughthenight.Arelationshipdevelops,onlytobeinterruptedbyabreakinbytwopettycriminals.花言巧语的小镇...