- 类型:动作 电影
- 主演:阿兰·德龙
- 时长:
- 详细介绍:American based Federation World Airlines has just acquired a Concorde jet, which will make its inaugAmerican based Federation World Airlines has just acquired a Concorde jet, which will make its inaugural commercial flight from Washington D.C. to Paris and then to Moscow as a goodwill gesture prior to the 1980 Olympic Games. Among those on board is Maggie Whelan, a television reporter, who is taking both legs of the trip. Just after boarding at Dulles International Airport, she receives documents conclusively and unequivocally stating that her boyfriend, Dr. Kevin Harrison, the Chairman of Harrison Industries, an aerospace contractor, is complicit of illegally selling arms to enemy regimes. Regardless, Maggie loves Kevin, who vows to do the right thing by making a public statement to his illegal activities. Maggie also intends on making an on-air report of the story once she arrives in Moscow. Kevin, however, has other thoughts. He plans on destroying the documents, the most convenient way being to bring down the Concorde with Maggie aboard, initially having the attack on the plane as a technical error, then pinning the attack on one of the many activist groups opposed to the Concorde itself or the upcoming Olympics. Concorde Captains Joe Petroni and Paul Metrand do whatever they have to to combat the attacks on the plane, the masterminds behind of which they nor Maggie are aware. 详情
- 类型:喜剧 动作 电影
- 主演:阿兰·德龙 维尔娜·丽丝
- 时长:
- 详细介绍:法国大革命时期,传奇侠客“黑郁金香”(阿兰·德隆饰)劫富济贫让贵族们日日惶恐不安。“黑郁金香”以蒙面示人,真实身份其实是吉尧姆伯爵,为民请命其实是为了一己私欲。警察局长设下圈套引他现身,混战中刺伤了他法国大革命时期,传奇侠客“黑郁金香”(阿兰·德隆饰)劫富济贫让贵族们日日惶恐不安。“黑郁金香”以蒙面示人,真实身份其实是吉尧姆伯爵,为民请命其实是为了一己私欲。警察局长设下圈套引他现身,混战中刺伤了他的左脸,留下一道疤痕,这就成了抓捕“黑郁金香”的有力证据,全城搜捕。为避免身份暴露,吉尧姆伯爵不得已找来自己的孪生弟弟朱利安(阿兰·德隆饰)顶替自己参加政治会议。朱利安不屑哥哥的所作所为,于是他以“黑郁金香”的名义挺身而出,跟随民众一起战斗。但在一次战斗中朱利安失手被抓,身处绝境。吉尧姆伯爵终于良心发现,舍命营救却也不幸被捕。就在马上要处决吉尧姆伯爵的生死关头,“黑郁金香”再次出现,谱写了正义之士的英雄神话。详情
- 类型:犯罪 恐怖 动作 电影
- 主演:阿兰·德龙 玛蒂尔达·梅 塞德里克·舍瓦尔姆 艾莱娜·索菲亚·里奇 Eric Defosse Andrée Damant
- 时长:
- 详细介绍:法比奥退役的日期日益临近,警署来了新警官爱莲娜·佩塞尔,她是来接替法比奥的。此时表妹安热尔从外省来到马赛拜访法比奥,原来她是来寻找离家出走的儿子吉杜的。他的女朋友住在马赛,而且他们在马赛有个叫法布尔的法比奥退役的日期日益临近,警署来了新警官爱莲娜·佩塞尔,她是来接替法比奥的此时表妹安热尔从外省来到马赛拜访法比奥,原来她是来寻找离家出走的儿子吉杜的。他的女朋友住在马赛,而且他们在马赛有个叫法布尔的密友,因此安热尔确定儿子一定在马赛,她请求法比奥帮忙寻找吉杜的下落;然而她最终等到的却是儿子的死讯。吉杜的女友在事发后失踪了,使得案情更加扑朔迷离。两个可怜的孩子其实是因为目睹了黑手党的一次暗杀活动才招致杀身之祸的,而吉杜事实上是被继父马克西姆舵杀死的。详情