- 类型:喜剧 冒险 动画
- 主演:肯·克拉默 John Innes Michael Shepherd C.恩斯特·哈斯 Don Brown 杰森·辛普森 Andrew Cownden 布瑞恩·德拉蒙德 迈克尔·亚当思韦特 Fleur Delahunty Saffron Henderson Ron Halder 史葛·麦克尼尔 Alec Willows Howard Siegel Mark Oliver Sam Vincent Brian Dobson
- 时长:
- 详细介绍:高卢村庄的大祭祀盖塔菲克斯想为自己找一个继任者,并把高卢村庄抵抗外敌入侵的关键法宝神奇药水教给继任者。盖塔菲克斯带着村庄最英勇的战士阿斯特克斯和奥贝里克斯寻访遍历整个高卢寻找合适的继承人。 而与此同时高卢村庄的大祭奠盖塔菲克斯想为自己找一个继任者,并把高卢村庄抵抗外敌入侵的关键法宝神奇药水教给继任者。盖塔菲克斯带着村庄最英勇的战士阿斯特克斯和奥贝里克斯寻访遍历整个高卢寻觅适宜的承袭人。 而与此同时,师出同门的硫磺克斯在消逝多年后和入侵者狼狈为奸,暗中掀起一场争夺神奇药水的战争。详情
- 类型:动漫
- 主演:凯·帕克 Dorothy LeMay Mike Ranger Miko Yani 朱丽叶·安德森 Tawny Pearl 杰西·亚当 Don Fernando Lee LeMay Turk Lyon Brooke West Sarah Harris Milton Ingley T.J. Carson Holly McCall
- 时长:85
- 详细介绍:Followingafallduringmistletoepicking,DruidPanoramixdecidesthatitistimetosecurethefutureofthevillage.Followingafallduringmistletoepicking,DruidPanoramixdecidesthatitistimetosecurethefutureofthevillage.AccompaniedbyAsterixandObelix,heundertakestotraveltheGallicworldinsearchofatalentedyoungdruidtotransmittheSecretoftheMagicPotion.—HugoVanHerpe详情
- 类型:美国
- 主演:凯·帕克 Dorothy LeMay Mike Ranger Miko Yani 朱丽叶·安德森 Tawny Pearl 杰西·亚当 Don Fernando Lee LeMay Turk Lyon Brooke West Sarah Harris Milton Ingley T.J. Carson Holly McCall
- 时长:
- 详细介绍:Following a fall during mistletoe picking, Druid Panoramix decides that it is time to secure the futFollowing a fall during mistletoe picking, Druid Panoramix decides that it is time to secure the future of the village. Accompanied by Asterix and Obelix, he undertakes to travel the Gallic world in search of a talented young druid to transmit the Secret of the Magic Potion . —Hugo Van Herpe详情