

  • 剧情 惊悚 恐怖片 恐怖 电影 
  • Vadivelu 法哈德·法西尔 凯瑟瑞·苏雷什 乌代雅尼蒂·斯大林 
  • 130分钟
  • The community that was exploited by the town's influential man, who completely rules due to the poweThe community that was exploited by the town's influential man, who completely rules due to the powerful backing of the authorities. A man collects evidence to flip him upside down when he was helpless to stop his endless torture.
  • 剧情 惊悚 电影 
  • Vadivelu 法哈德·法西尔 凯瑟瑞·苏雷什 乌代雅尼蒂·斯大林 
  • 130分钟
  • The community that was exploited by the town's influential man, who completely rules due to theThe community that was exploited by the town's influential man, who completely rules due to the powerful backing of the authorities. A man collects evidence to flip him upside down when he was helpless to stop his endless torture.
  • 剧情 动作 电影 
  • 丹努什 Lal 拉吉莎·威嘉雅 约吉·巴布 Nataraja Subramanian Gouri Kishan Lakshmi Priyaa Chandramouli G.M. Kumar Shanmugha Rajan 'Poo' Ram Subatra 阿扎甘·佩鲁马尔 Akila Deepa Baskar Madhan Kumar Dhakshinamoorthy 
  • 158分钟
  • 泰米尔那都邦南部一个偏远的小村庄Podiyankulam有一项特殊的传统:谁能从悬崖上一跃而起将对岸抛出的鱼劈成两半,谁就能拥有“镇村宝剑”(Village Sword);选择接受该挑战但却无法将鱼砍泰米尔那都邦南部一个偏远的小村庄Podiyankulam有一项特殊的传统:谁能从悬崖上一跃而起将对岸抛出的鱼劈成两半,谁就能拥有“镇村宝剑”(Village Sword);选择接受该应战但却无法将鱼砍成两半的人则会被村民斩首。1997年,一位名叫Karnan的青年女子腾空而起,成了宝剑的主人。  Podiyankulam和其隔壁的Melur村颇有宿怨,前者的村民来自更低种姓并因此终年收到压榨,故事的缘由,就由一辆不愿经过Podiyankulam的巴士说起。在Melur村民的政治影响下,Podiyankulam村屡次上书要求在该村设立巴士站的情愿被拒,村民们想要外出就不得去去Melur村的巴士站等候,且在等候巴士的进程中暂时遭到Melur村民的欺辱和骚扰。  数次巴士拒载事情发作后,以Karnan为首的村民砸烂了一辆在他们眼前拒载一位孕妇的巴士,此举在村民...
  • 剧情 电影 
  • Kathir Anandhi YogiBabu Lijeesh Hari 
  • Alawstudentfromalowercastebeginsafriendshipwithhisclassmate,agirlwhobelongstoahighercaste,andthemeniAlawstudentfromalowercastebeginsafriendshipwithhisclassmate,agirlwhobelongstoahighercaste,andthemeninherfamilystartgivinghimtroubleoverthis.
  • 剧情 动作 电影 
  • 苏利耶·西瓦库马 拉库尔·普雷特·辛格 赛·帕拉维 
  • 148
  • 南达·高普兰·库马兰(NandhaGopalanKumaran),简称NGK,为人仁慈,乐于助人.他是个高材生,在跨国大公司事情了两年后便感到腻烦,便回乡下召集一帮人搞有机农业.期间他目睹和见证了政治南达·高普兰·库马兰(NandhaGopalanKumaran),简称NGK,为人仁慈,乐于助人.他是个高材生,在跨国大公司事情了两年后便感到腻烦,便回乡下召集一帮人搞有机农业.期间他目睹和见证了政治党派的宏大力气.可是他的有机农业对一些行业发生辩论,于是被警告,他疏忽,成果有机农业田里被化学损坏,到场人员及家庭遭到损坏.无奈之下,他唯有去求本地政客,一立法议员.而立法议员帮他搞定,回报是他得带500个年青人参加他们党派.  于是,NGK被迫涉政.本认为涉政了就可以顺风顺水了,可是,政坛水很深啊,他一个政坛新人能扬名立万吗.......
  • 爱情 
  • 维姬·R 哈里哈兰 
  • 一名出租车司机偶遇两小无猜,他试图扑灭昔日旧情,却发现成年人的爱情并没有那么复杂....一名出租车司机偶遇两小无猜,他试图扑灭昔日旧情,却发现成年人的爱情并没有那么复杂....
  • 恐怖 
  • 未知
  • 剧情 电影 
  • Kathir Anandhi YogiBabu Lijeesh Hari 
  • A law student from a lower caste begins a friendship with his classmate, a girl who belongs to a higA law student from a lower caste begins a friendship with his classmate, a girl who belongs to a higher caste, and the men in her family start giving him trouble over this.