- 类型:恐怖 动作 剧情 电影
- 主演:阿德里安娜·巴比欧 Kelsey Deanne Ashley Wolfe Courtney Bertolone
- 时长:89
- 详细介绍:马丁·布里斯托尔回到了一切开始的地方:他被绑架的家。但他已经不是十年前失踪的那个男孩了。在精神病绑架者格雷厄姆·萨特(GrahamSutter)的折磨和虐待下,马丁伤痕累累。潜伏在郊区的阴影里,他无悔马丁·布里斯托尔回到了一切开始的地方:他被绑架的家。但他已经不是十年前失踪的那个男孩了。在精神病绑架者格雷厄姆·萨特(GrahamSutter)的折磨和虐待下,马丁伤痕累累。潜伏在郊区的阴影里,他无悔地跟踪和杀害。特工威廉·珀金斯跟踪马丁的恐怖行动,不顾一切地想在他再次杀人之前抓住他。马丁的家人为他的失踪哀悼了10多年,他们不仅得知他还活着,还得知他要为席卷他们小镇的谋杀浪潮负责。他们能在为时不晚之前与失散多年的儿子团聚吗?还是珀金斯必须使用过度的武力将他拉下马?详情
- 类型:恐怖 电影
- 主演:阿德里安娜·巴比欧 KelseyDeanne AshleyWolfe CourtneyBertolone
- 时长:
- 详细介绍:Martin Bristol returns to where it all began: the home where he was kidnapped from. But he is not thMartin Bristol returns to where it all began: the home where he was kidnapped from. But he is not the boy who disappeared over 10 years ago. Tortured and abused at the hands of his psychotic captor, Graham Sutter, Martin is damaged beyond repair. Lurking in the shadows of suburbia, he stalks and kills without remorse. Special Agent William Perkins follows Martin"s trail of terror, desperate to capture him before he kills again. Martin"s family, mourning his disappearance for over 10 years, is informed not only that he is alive, but that he is responsible for the wave of murder sweeping through their town. Will they be able to reunite with their long lost son before it"s too late, or will Perkins have to use excessive force to bring him down? 详情