

  • 惊悚 悬疑 动作 电影 
  • Tationna Bosier Whitney Bowers Jerome Ro Brooks 
  • 101分钟
  • 一对夫妇雇了一名妇女来照顾他们残疾的儿子。在注意到看护者奥利维亚的一些奇怪行为后,母亲决定仔细观察。奥利维亚的黑暗过去浮出水面,危及所有与她接触的人。一对夫妇雇了一名妇女来照顾他们残疾的儿子。在留意到看护者奥利维亚的一些奇特行为后,母亲决议细心观察。奥利维亚的黑暗过去浮出水面,危及一切与她接触的人。
  • 伦理 电影 
  • Ed Bowers Genna Darling Mike Gleason 
  • When a production company starts shooting a horror film in a 100 year old...and actually haunted...SWhen a production company starts shooting a horror film in a 100 year old...and actually haunted...Sid Grauman built movie palace turned strip club in San Francisco, the 'inhabitants' revolt and take over the movie for their own purposes with bizarre and shocking results. The G-string Horror has been described by one blogger as 'an independent, European-style surrealist film wi...
  • 电影 
  • John W. Bowers Sebastian David Tighe Gill Stephen Graham Daniel Howard 
  • 0
  • AlonesheriffandavisitingenvironmentalconsultantracetosolvethemysterythathauntsthevalleysofBradaCountAlonesheriffandavisitingenvironmentalconsultantracetosolvethemysterythathauntsthevalleysofBradaCounty.