- 类型:剧情 喜剧 欧美剧 欧美 电视
- 主演:João Assunção Caio Cabral Antonio Carrara Klara Castanho Breno Ferreira João Guilherme Alice Marcone Bruno Montaleone Nila Lucca Picon 卡米拉·凯伊霍兹 玛丽安娜·希欧斯 Maisa Silva Matheus Troiano
- 时长:
- 详细介绍:In this new season, 30-year-old Anita needs to go back to 15 to try to fix her sister's life. HoweveIn this new season, 30-year-old Anita needs to go back to 15 to try to fix her sister's life. However, Joel hacked into her Floguinho account and also became a time traveler. So now what?详情
- 类型:剧情 动作 电影
- 主演:Brenock O'Connor Toby Murray Aaron Swartz Julie Hoult Tommy O'Neill Jonathan Hansler
- 时长:
- 详细介绍:本片由Ewan Gorman编剧并导演的一部儿童动作冒险片,讲述了关于两个小男孩Sam Aldrington(Brenock O'Connor 饰)和Raphael Greaves(Toby Murr本片由Ewan Gorman编剧并导演的一部儿童动作冒险片,讲述了关于两个小男孩Sam Aldrington(Brenock O'Connor 饰)和Raphael Greaves(Toby Murray 饰),因为强烈的好奇心,通过一只大猫联想到可怕的怪物,于是他们决定在城市边缘的森林中寻找神秘生物。电影具有科幻、神秘和冒险的元素,导演充分利用孩童的好奇心,把所有这些元素都是混合在一起,使得本片呈现的更加魔幻。 详情
- 类型:剧情 美国 欧美 电视
- 主演:托马斯·阿基诺 Gero Camilo Clodd Dias Liniker Elisa Lucinda Paulo Miklos Isabela Ordo?ez 卡林·特莱斯 Dante Aganju Gustavo Coelho Chelfa Caxino Silmara Deon Inara Dos Santos Breno Ferreira Victoria Pereira 克莱比亚·索萨
- 时长:
- 详细介绍:The journey of a trans woman who leaves her hometown and doesn't compromise her goal to be a freThe journey of a trans woman who leaves her hometown and doesn't compromise her goal to be a free and independent woman.详情
- 类型:剧情 海外 欧美 电视
- 主演:托马斯·阿基诺 Gero Camilo Clodd Dias Liniker Elisa Lucinda Paulo Miklos Isabela Ordo?ez 卡林·特莱斯 Dante Aganju Gustavo Coelho Chelfa Caxino Silmara Deon Inara Dos Santos Breno Ferreira Victoria Pereira 克莱比亚·索萨
- 时长:
- 详细介绍:The journey of a trans woman who leaves her hometown and doesn't compromise her goal to be a freThe journey of a trans woman who leaves her hometown and doesn't compromise her goal to be a free and independent woman.详情
- 类型:剧情 欧美剧 欧美
- 主演:托马斯·阿基诺 Gero Camilo Clodd Dias Liniker Elisa Lucinda Paulo Miklos Isabela Ordoñez 卡林·特莱斯 Dante Aganju Gustavo Coelho Chelfa Caxino Silmara Deon Inara Dos Santos Breno Ferreira Victoria Pereira 克莱比亚·索萨
- 时长:
- 详细介绍:Thejourneyofatranswomanwholeavesherhometownanddoesn’tcompromisehergoaltobeafreeandindependentwoman.Thejourneyofatranswomanwholeavesherhometownanddoesn’tcompromisehergoaltobeafreeandindependentwoman.详情
- 类型:动作
- 主演:Brenock O'Connor Toby Murray
- 时长:
- 详细介绍:Young Hunters: The Beast of Bevendean is a children's action adventure film, about two boy's hunt foYoung Hunters: The Beast of Bevendean is a children's action adventure film, about two boy's hunt for the mysterious creature said to be living in the woods on the edge of town. 详情
- 类型:恐怖
- 主演:José Maria Alves Breno Baptista Rodrigo Capistrano
- 时长:
- 详细介绍:讲述一对拥有公家保全公司的巴西菁英夫妇,有着专吃自家员工的嗜好,是「食人俱乐部」的名人会员,当太太不测发现俱乐部主席同时也是国会议员的秘密,不只他们悠闲吃人的生活不再,连自身性命都危在旦夕古托帕连奇巧讲述一对拥有公家保全公司的巴西菁英夫妇,有着专吃自家员工的嗜好,是「食人俱乐部」的名人会员,当太太不测发现俱乐部主席同时也是国会议员的秘密,不只他们悠闲吃人的生活不再,连自身性命都危在旦夕古托帕连奇巧妙运用血腥、暴力与性的寓意,精采挖苦巴西当代政治与殖民历史,展现比吃人嗜好更令人生惧的权益。详情
- 类型:剧情 电影
- 主演:丹尼尔·德·奥利维拉 马尔科·里卡 马鲁·加莉 Stella Rabello 古斯塔屋·法尔桑 Luisa Arraes Luiz Felipe Mello Rodrigo dos Santos Breno Nina Clarissa Pinheiro 佩德罗·苏尔
- 时长:87分钟
- 详细介绍:豆瓣 6.1鲁本司(丹尼尔·德·奥利维拉DanieldeOliveira饰)是一名魅力外向的游泳老师,他在一家俱乐部给未成年儿童授课。由于他诙谐亲和的教学方式,他深受家长孩子的喜爱与亲睐。直到有一天他的一名男学生艾利克斯(LuísFelipeMelo饰)告诉妈妈老师在更衣室亲了他,鲁本司陷入了麻烦当中。鲁本司极力澄清自己的清白,却还是被家长指控。他不得不应付来自网络世界的暴力私刑,起初是通过WhatsAPP上的信息方式传播,最后爆发到了Facebook等社交媒体上无尽的谩骂与指责。详情