

  • 动画 奇幻 冒险 动画片 动漫电影 动漫 
  • 谢琳·伍德蕾 杰·科特尼 Jai Courtney Andrew Bachelor 
  • As her world is shrouded in darkness, a young girl must overcome her fears and travel to a mysteriouAs her world is shrouded in darkness, a young girl must overcome her fears and travel to a mysterious city of light, save her father from a dangerous scientist and prevent the destruction of her planet.
  • 剧情 电影 
  • Darcie Lincoln Sandy Batchelo Kevin Interdonato 
  • 25岁的米娅·霍夫曼在一场审判中作为检方证人为弑警凶手作伪证使其开脱罪责,她为此受尽舆论与白眼。患上未确诊的创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)的她因此遭受着极度的焦虑与心理幻觉。为此她向一位英国有名的专攻创伤25岁的米娅·霍夫曼在一场审问中作为检方证人为弑警凶手作伪证使其开脱罪责,她为此受尽言论与白眼。患上未确诊的创伤后应激阻碍(PTSD)的她因此遭受着极度的焦虑与心思幻觉。为此她向一位英国有名的专攻创伤后应激阻碍的心思医师富兰克林·斯帕茨寻求协助,但是这位医师的妻子最近发作了一场可怕的不测,富兰克林也堕入了心思幻觉。在米娅努力寻求面对事实时,富兰克林却一心只想逃避,这两人的命运又将何去何从?
  • 喜剧 电影 
  • SandyBatchelor DaisyKeeping AdamAstill 
  • A bittersweet comedy-drama about a struggling actor with multiple personality disorder whose three iA bittersweet comedy-drama about a struggling actor with multiple personality disorder whose three identities battle for control when he wins the lead role in a West End play and falls for the pretty makeup artist.