

  • 剧情 爱情 家庭 历史 欧美剧 欧美 电视 
  • 雅尼克·许曼 Dominique Devenport 
  • 45分钟
  • RTL与Beta将联合制作剧版《茜茜公主》,多米尼克·德文波特(Dominique Devenport)、雅尼克·许曼([我世界的中心])主演,首张造型同步照释出!该剧由斯文·博什(《选帝侯大街56》RTL与Beta将结合制造剧版《茜茜公主》,多米尼克·德文波特(Dominique Devenport)、雅尼克·许曼([我世界的中心])主演,首张外型同步照释出!该剧由文雅·博什(《选帝侯大街56》)执导,安德里亚斯·古蔡担任总编剧及运作人。故事讲述茜茜公主(德文波特饰)与弗朗茨·约瑟夫(许曼饰)一见钟情,但她却发现维也纳的哈布斯堡宫廷居然是个充溢暗算的毒蛇坑。该剧方案于往年晚些时分开拍,并方案在RTL的订阅流媒体平台TVNow上首播。
  • 电影 
  • Brigitte Lahaie Vincent Gardère Dominique Journet 
  • 87
  • Onacolddarknightamysteriousblondegirlisseenrunningaroundinthewoods.It'sElisabeth(BrigitteLahaie),whoOnacolddarknightamysteriousblondegirlisseenrunningaroundinthewoods.It'sElisabeth(BrigitteLahaie),whohasescapedfromahigh-riseprison,wherepeoplearekeptwhohavebeencontaminatedbyanenvironmentalaccident.Theirthoughts,memoriesandemotionsareslowlyeatenawaybydisease,turningthemintosad,helplesscreatures.Ayoungman(VincentCarder)hasfalleninlovewithElisabethandtriestohelpherescape.Buttheclinic'shenchmenareruthless.
  • 恐怖 
  • NatashaHenstridge DominiqueSwain LinShaye 
  • PAUL and JENNIFER HEMDALE have just moved into their dream house. But their happy marriage is about PAUL and JENNIFER HEMDALE have just moved into their dream house. But their happy marriage is about to be put to the test as they slowly discover the secret behind the black room in the cellar. Something else is already living in their new home and it is growing stronger every day. It has claimed many victims including the last owners of the house. Repairmen who journey down into the basement soon meet a horrible end. When Paul is taken over by this demonic entity, it is no longer trapped within the walls and is quick to take advantage of all pleasures of the flesh. Jennifer and her younger sister KAREN begin to suspect that something is wrong with Paul. Karen finds out the truth a hard and painful way, leaving Jennifer alone to fight the demonic entity that has possessed her husband and threatens to destroy her very soul. And Paul is not the only one transforming as Jennifer soon discovers that the black room is not only evil but alive as well and may not be able to be stopped!
  • 剧情 喜剧 电影 
  • 张曼玉 让-皮埃尔·利奥德 Nathalie Richard Arsinée Khanjian 娜塔莉·布伏 Dominique Faysse 娜塔莉·理察 娜塔莉·理查德 
  • 法国导演维达尔想重拍一部默片时代的吸血鬼影片看过香港电影《东方三侠》后决定启用其中的女主演张曼玉。张到法国后只能用英语与周遭的人沟通,所以拍摄过程很不顺利。这其间,大家都在议论张与服装师的异常关系,制法国导演维达尔想重拍一部默片时代的吸血鬼影片看过香港电影《东方三侠》后决定启用其中的女主演张曼玉。张到法国后只能用英语与周遭的人沟通,所以拍摄过程很不顺利。这其间,大家都在议论张与服装师的异常关系,制片人也开始怀疑导演维达尔的能力和动机。有一天,导演在看完刚拍完的镜头后突然出现精神不正常的状况,制片人终于要决心撤换导演和女主演......《伊》片以戏中戏的形式展开,以虚实结合的手法表现一部影片在拍摄过程中台前幕后的种种状况,探讨人与艺术,即现实与梦幻扑朔迷离的联系......