

  • 恐怖 欧美剧 欧美 电视 
  • 劳尔·阿雷瓦洛 Gala Bichir 茵玛·奎斯塔 
  • 50分钟
  • 四个向纳西索·伊瓦涅斯·塞拉多尔致敬的独立故事,由西班牙电影界的重要人物参与导演及演出。罗德里戈·科尔特斯、罗德里戈·索罗戈延、帕科·普拉萨、保拉·奥尔蒂斯分别执导了《玩笑》、《替身》、《弗雷迪》和《四个向纳西索·伊瓦涅斯·塞拉多尔致敬的独立故事,由西班牙电影界的重要人物参与导演及演出。罗德里戈·科尔特斯、罗德里戈·索罗戈延、帕科·普拉萨、保拉·奥尔蒂斯区分执导了《玩笑》、《替身》、《弗雷迪》和《柏油马路》。@深影
  • 喜剧 爱情 电影 
  • Bela Padilla 金健宇 赵泰宽 白秀敏 Janeena Chan Kat Galang 
  • 108分钟
  • Yana hates Filipino men. For her, the perfect man is Moon Shi Woo, a dashing Korean actor from the KYana hates Filipino men. For her, the perfect man is Moon Shi Woo, a dashing Korean actor from the Korean dramas that she always watches. Yana's dream comes true when she flies to Korea to join fans from all over the globe to meet Moon Shi Woo at an exclusive fan event. During the event, the fans compete for the attention of the star, but Yana finds herself falling for Jae, the...
  • 剧情 歌舞 欧美剧 欧美 电视 
  • Wendy Regalado Virginia Alvarez Richard Camacho Erick Brian Colón Zabdiel De Jesús Christopher Vélez 
  • Young musicians Andy, Ian, Ciro, and Darío meet by chance at a restaurant, where they get involved iYoung musicians Andy, Ian, Ciro, and Darío meet by chance at a restaurant, where they get involved in an unexpected situation: A valuable guitar has just disappeared. To recover the guitar and return it to its owner, they must put together a band.
  • 科幻 惊悚 电影 
  • Maximilian Anthony Jimena Gala 
  • A young man searches for his loved one in a city thrusts into chaos by the sudden arrival of a mysteA young man searches for his loved one in a city thrusts into chaos by the sudden arrival of a mysterious and threatening alien presence.
  • 惊悚 悬疑 电影 
  • Doug Rand Gala Besson Philip Schurer 
  • 86
  • 1976:TwoyoungjournalistsleavefortheFrench-Swissbordertoinvestigateastrangecaseofcattlemutilationsand1976:TwoyoungjournalistsleavefortheFrench-SwissbordertoinvestigateastrangecaseofcattlemutilationsandrecordtestimoniesforaTVchannel.Yet,oncetheygetthere,thescientificteamtheyweresupposedtomeethasgonemissing.Escortedbyafirst-aider,aBritishbiologistandanAmericanforensicinvestigator,MelissaandDavidwillgolookingforthemissingteamdeepintothemountains.