

  • 剧情 
  • Joey Aucoin Neal Barnard Gene Baur 
  • What has happened to us? Despite the most advanced medical technology in the world, we are sicker thWhat has happened to us? Despite the most advanced medical technology in the world, we are sicker than ever by nearly every measure. Two out of every three of us are overweight. Cases of diabetes are exploding, especially amongst our younger population. About half of us are taking at least one prescription drug. Major medical operations have become routine, helping to drive health care costs to astronomical levels. Heart disease, cancer and stroke are the country’s three leading causes of dea... more What has happened to us? Despite the most advanced medical technology in the world, we are sicker than ever by nearly every measure. Two out of every three of us are 
  • 剧情 电影 
  • Meg Imperial Luis Alandy 玛利亚·伊莎贝尔·洛佩兹 Gabby Eigenmann 梅赛德丝·卡布莱 Neil Coleta Rob Moya 
  • 在交友軟體盛行的都市生活中,一處公寓的監視錄像,正記錄著房客們各自不可告人的小秘密。有人擔心另一半外遇卻言行不一,有人背著另一半偷腥卻有苦難言;有人中了花言巧語而渾然不知,有人習慣為非作歹而心存僥倖。在交友軟體盛行的都市生活中,一處公寓的監視錄像,正記錄著房客們各自不可告人的小秘密。有人擔心另一半外遇卻言行不一,有人背著另一半偷腥卻有苦難言;有人中了花言巧語而渾然不知,有人習慣為非作歹而心存僥倖。關係錯綜複雜的現代公寓,醜聞即將引爆他們的生活。
  • 剧情 
  • Alan Bean Eugene Cernan Charles Duke 
  • The 1960s was an extraordinary time for the United States. Unburdened by post-war reparations, AmeriThe 1960s was an extraordinary time for the United States. Unburdened by post-war reparations, Americans were preoccupied with other developments like NASA, the game-changing space programme that put Neil Armstrong on the moon. Yet it was astronauts like Eugene Cernan who paved the uneven, perilous path to lunar exploration. A test pilot who lived to court danger, he was recruited along with 14 other men in a secretive process that saw them become the closest of friends and adversaries. In this intensely competitive environment, Cernan was one of only three men who was sent twice to the moon, with his second trip also being NASA’s final lunar mission. As he looks back at what he loved and lost during the eight years in Houston, an incomparably eventful life emerges into view. Director Mark Craig crafts a quietly epic biography that combines the rare insight of the surviving former astronauts with archival footage and otherworldly moonscapes.
  • 电影 
  • Fabio Gravina Roberta Garzia Ivano Marescotti Paola Riolo 毛里齐奥·马蒂奥利 Stefano Masciarelli Angelo Di Gennaro 
  • 0
  • 一部幽默讽刺的影片,探讨一个严肃的议题:中年夫妻在求子时碰上的困难。欧拉奇欧和安娜这对夫妻在步入四十岁之后才打算组织家庭,但这个年纪要生孩子谈何容易,两人得面对各种不如意,民间信仰和迷信,求子的心愿最一部幽默讽刺的影片,探讨一个严肃的议题:中年夫妻在求子时碰上的困难。欧拉奇欧和安娜这对夫妻在步入四十岁之后才打算组织家庭,但这个年纪要生孩子谈何容易,两人得面对各种不如意,民间信仰和迷信,求子的心愿最终能否达成?
  • 电影 
  • 安娜·哈尔 WilliamConnor RaymondScott MelissaFarley GeorgeNemeh JohnH.Euber 
  • InupscaleOpulent,Arizona,JasonMiller,mid-20s,aspoiledrichkidstilllivingoffdaddy'smoney,andhiswrong-sInupscaleOpulent,Arizona,JasonMiller,mid-20s,aspoiledrichkidstilllivingoffdaddy'smoney,andhiswrong-side-of-the-tracksfriend,RickBrooks,raisedinpoverty,naivelychoosethewrongpathtoriches.Theirfast-cashplancrashesthemintoabrickwallwhentheyunwittinglycrossintotheterritoryofthedarkanddeadlycrimelordsthatruletheunderworldofOpulent.