- 类型:剧情 喜剧 欧美剧 欧美 电视
- 主演:李镇赫 帕尔·安德斯·诺德维 特赖因·威根 Svein Roger Karlsen Ragne Grande 科勒·康拉迪 Oddgeir Thune 比约恩·桑德奎斯特 Frank Kjosås 阿克塞尔·博伊姆 Hanne Skille Reitan Manish Sharma Benjamin Bakkeid Tor Ivar Hagen Nemi Storm Bjarne Brøndbo Vetle Røsten Granås Elisabeth Matheson
- 时长:
- 详细介绍:挪威一家鱼类养殖公司的冷酷老板打算恶意收购当地竞争企业,从而成为全球最大的鲑鱼生产商。挪威一家鱼类养殖公司的冷漠老板方案恶意收买外地竞争企业,从而成为全球最大的鲑鱼消费商。详情
- 类型:喜剧 电影
- 主演:海尔加·布拉加·乔斯提尔 赫米尔·希尼·古纳森 伊尔穆尔·克里斯蒂安·斯多蒂尔 Halldór Gylfason 索尔斯坦·巴赫曼 艾里·艾尔迪奥 Edda Bj?rg Eyjólfsdóttir Sveinn Geirsson 乔·加纳尔 Ylfa Marín Haraldsdóttir Thelma Rún Hjartardóttir Tinna Hrafnsdóttir Ragnhildur Steinunn Jónsdóttir Guejón Davíe Karlsson Unnur ?sp St
- 时长:91分钟
- 详细介绍:A chamber orchestra is working out of a rundown theatre in Reykjavik. Financial hardship places a grA chamber orchestra is working out of a rundown theatre in Reykjavik. Financial hardship places a great strain on the band and the lead violinist, Sigrun. The annual grant from the city is coming to an end so the band hires a world renowned cellist in order to save the band. The media goes wild and money starts to flow to the band again. Too bad the cellist is not a very nice p...详情
- 类型:喜剧 电影
- 主演:海尔加·布拉加·乔斯提尔 赫米尔·希尼·古纳森 伊尔穆尔·克里斯蒂安·斯多蒂尔 Halldór Gylfason 索尔斯坦·巴赫曼 艾里·艾尔迪奥 Edda Bj?rg Eyjólfsdóttir Sveinn Geirsson 乔·加纳尔 Ylfa Marín Haraldsdóttir Thelma Rún Hjartardóttir Tinna Hrafnsdóttir Ragnhildur Steinunn Jónsdóttir Guejón Davíe Karlsson Unnur ?sp St
- 时长:91分钟
- 详细介绍:A chamber orchestra is working out of a rundown theatre in Reykjavik. Financial hardship places a grA chamber orchestra is working out of a rundown theatre in Reykjavik. Financial hardship places a great strain on the band and the lead violinist, Sigrun. The annual grant from the city is coming to an end so the band hires a world renowned cellist in order to save the band. The media goes wild and money starts to flow to the band again. Too bad the cellist is not a very nice p...详情
- 类型:伦理 电影
- 主演:Svein Sturla Hungnes 本特·博瑟姆 Frøydis Armand Aud Fosse
- 时长:
- 详细介绍:"Petter (Svein Sturla Hungnes) quits his studies, and break up with his girlfriend. He moves ba"Petter (Svein Sturla Hungnes) quits his studies, and break up with his girlfriend. He moves back to his homeplace, to his mother (Bente Børsum) who lives alone. There has always been a good relationship between Petter and his mother, and she doesn`t mind that he moves back home. When Petter finds a new girl at his homeplace, his mother reacts in a negative way.详情
- 类型:伦理
- 主演:Svein.Sturla.Hungnes
- 时长:
- 详细介绍:儿子仿佛大学毕业或者是博士毕业,对钕其朋友没有什么兴趣,上课也无心.后回到家鈡,母亲为其安置房子,画面很温馨.在刚回家时,电影画面有①个细节,儿子①人在房间亲吻这位已经有五十岁左右母亲的衣服,后又自我儿子似乎大学毕业或许是博士毕业,对钕其冤家没有什么兴味,上课也无意.后回到家鈡,母亲为其安排房子,画面很温馨.在刚回家时,电影画面有①个细节,儿子①人在房间亲吻这位曾经有五十岁左右母亲的衣服,后又自我处置.某天,儿子进入母亲房间,母亲似乎也正心渴难耐,后祂为其母亲梳头.有暧昧意味.时期,其钕冤家也在其家鈡,这有点看不太明白.但有①个细节是导演精心规划的:某天,钕冤家到祂家时,祂能够正与其母亲暧昧,后祂迅速从其母亲房间跑出来,身上正好穿着祂现在亲吻的那件母亲衣服.后与其钕冤家作嗳,其鈡又留①伏笔:其钕冤家在祂房间看到了①件衣服,有特写,是件白色的内衣,这内衣正是影片最后侽主人公与其母亲作嗳时母亲穿着而又被儿子亲手脱掉的那件.随后大幅度作嗳. 详情
- 类型:电影
- 主演:尤尔根·朗赫勒 埃里克·黑维尔 玛丽亚·波克 Anders Wang Kim Sørensen Ketil Høegh Kari Bremnes Kristian Figenschow Svein Harry Hauge Randolf Walderhaug Tom Espen Pedersen André Sørum Erik Smith Meyer Eirik Junge Eliassen Marius Lien
- 时长:94
- 详细介绍:在1962年,21个人在挪威的金斯湾爆炸事故中死亡。这个事故直接导致了从二战开始就统治挪威的劳工执政党的倒台。但是,这真是一起事故吗?一个高度紧张的动作惊悚探索性政治游戏在这个最大的爆炸事故后面的挪威在1962年,21个人在挪威的金斯湾爆炸事故中死亡。这个事故直接导致了从二战开始就统治挪威的劳工执政党的倒台。但是,这真是一起事故吗?一个高度紧张的动作惊悚探索性政治游戏在这个最大的爆炸事故后面的挪威政治中上演。详情
- 类型:剧情 电影
- 主演:KjartanBjargmundssonPéturEinarssonSveinnGeirssonKjartan
- 时长:88
- 详细介绍:他是天才抑或白痴?患有白血病的十七岁少年诺尔自觉比谁都聪明,不甘于平凡渺小屈从大多数人的规律;冬天的冰岛有如一座白色监狱,冰封的河川雪藏着他的青春热情,更增他内心的孤寂感。他是天才抑或白痴?患有白血病的十七岁少年诺尔自觉比谁都聪明,不甘于平凡渺小屈从大多数人的规律;冬天的冰岛有如一座白色监狱,冰封的河川雪藏着他的青春热情,更增他内心的孤寂感。详情
- 类型:电影
- 主演:Bragi Arnason Þorsteinn Bachmann Sveinn Geirsson Sólveig Guðmundsdóttir Kristín Þóra Haraldsdóttir Helga Vala Helgadóttir 贡纳·永松 Aladin Laaguid Patrik Nökkvi Pétursson Babetida Sadjo Guðbjörg Thoroddsen
- 时长:95
- 详细介绍:Twowomen'sliveswillintersectwhiletrappedincircumstancesunforeseen.BetweenastrugglingIcelandicmotheraTwowomen'sliveswillintersectwhiletrappedincircumstancesunforeseen.BetweenastrugglingIcelandicmotherandanasylumseekerfromGuinea-Bissau,adelicatebondwillformasbothstrategizetogettheirlivesbackontrack.详情