- 类型:剧情 同性 犯罪 电影
- 主演:Monica Antonopulos Hugo Arana Fabián Arenillas Jorgelina Aruzzi 德米安·比齐尔 Carlos Casella 奇诺·达林 Maxi Diorio 埃米利奥·迪 Arturo Goetz Luisa Kuliok Natalia Meta 吉诺·伦尼
- 时长:94分钟
- 详细介绍:豆瓣 6.3硬汉探长查韦斯(DemiánBichir饰)接手调查布宜诺斯艾利斯一桩凶杀案,死者是同性恋且出身名门。因为发现死者生前的同性恋人凯文(CarlosCasella饰)存在嫌疑,查韦斯从分区警局征调来一位刚入行的小警员哥麦斯(ChinoDarin饰),指示后者扮演同志去勾引凯文。帅气青涩的哥麦斯很快收获犯罪嫌疑人的芳心,然而旁观整个卧底行动的查韦斯却越来越不是滋味。查韦斯探长并不知道,他的计划早已被别人将计就计......详情
- 类型:剧情 电影
- 主演:胡立欧·查韦斯 玛莉亚·奥内托 ArturoGoetz OsvaldoBonet MaríaUcedo
- 时长:83
- 详细介绍:详情
- 类型:恐怖 电影
- 主演:AlanCappelliGoetz KatharinaSporrer HollyMumford
- 时长:81
- 详细介绍:详情
- 类型:恐怖
- 主演:Alan Cappelli Goetz Katharina Sporrer Holly Mumford
- 时长:
- 详细介绍:Sarah and her friends decide to spend the weekend at an old villa Sarah mysteriously inherited. AfteSarah and her friends decide to spend the weekend at an old villa Sarah mysteriously inherited. After finding a Ouija Board in the attic, Sarah and her friends unknowingly awaken an evil force connected to the villa’s hidden secrets. To fight the unimaginable horror they will have to face their darkest fears and worst nightmares.详情
- 类型:喜剧 电影
- 主演:CalebThomas AndrewFromer BenEdlin Johnny3Tears KaylaCompton LilyBerlina JuliaAustin DrueSchaeferCrookston 杰西·简 MaddisonBullock 凯兰妮·雷 SaifXnaydra AmberMarieGoetz AlexHayek MichaelCiriaco
- 时长:108分钟
- 详细介绍:豆瓣 N/A / IMDB N/AThelastSpringBreakofhighschoolisfastapproachingandDylan,aseniorfromBend,Oregon,hasjustbeendumpedbyhislongtimegirlfriend.HischildhoodfriendsBillyandMaxiwanttohelpoutbuttheyhaven'tbeenasclosewhileDylanhasbeeninarelationship.SoBillyandMaxikidnaphiminastolenRVandheadtotheepicSpringBreakdestinationofLakeHavasuCity,Arizona.详情