

  • 剧情 动作 电影 
  • Treat Williams Susan Walters Cliff De Young Tim Thomerson 
  • USA: 96 分钟
  • 洛城警署探员山姆,在一次绑架案中因怀疑市长女儿涉案而被迫暂时离职,使得原本拮据的生活更是雪上加霜,通过上级介绍,他参加了拍攝真实情境的冒险节目“寻宝周记”,获胜者可获得一千万元奖金,为了提高收视率,节  洛城警署探员山姆,在一次绑架案中因怀疑市长女儿涉案而被迫暂时离职,使得原本拮据的生活更是雪上加霜,通过上级介绍,他参加了拍攝真实情境的冒险节目“寻宝周记”,获胜者可获得一千万元奖金,为了提高收视率,节目中还穿插前美国海军海豹小组狙击参赛者的桥段,结果這些狙击手用的不是漆弹,而是真枪,加上突然来袭的飓风,将席卷太平洋上的小島,山姆和其他的参赛者能顺利逃出吗
  • 动作 电影 
  • 高飞 Wai-Man Chan Yasuyoshi Shikamura Martin Ting Ralph Wang Maggie Wu Keith Cheng Homer Cheung John Culkin Phillip Ko Herman Kwan 约翰·拉达尔斯基 Cecilia Lee 吕良伟 
  • 86 分钟
  • Regular Eastern cinematic bad guy, Philip Ko stars in this typically baffling IFD affair as a hit-ma  讲述来自荷兰的阿飞是个职业杀手,他来港是有两个目的。第一,他接到一个格杀令,目标人物是日本山口组演员鹿村一郎。第二,他要跟青梅竹马现职高级警官的良伟重聚。他自小受父母的薰陶,对日本人极之痛恨,他毫不动容地便解决了鹿村一郎。之后,他便马上去警署跟挚友会面。当然,良伟是不知道他背后的身份。阿飞在香港遇上了两个在九反之地阿姆斯特丹认识的江湖兄弟惠敏及丁哥。惠敏是个毒品大拆家,控制多个毒品巢穴。丁哥是大毒贩周老板的得力助手。周利用丁哥抢走惠敏不少生意,使两人水火不容。
  • 搞笑 冒险 动漫 
  • Homer Brightman Tex Avery June Foray Johnny Coons Laverne Harding Raymond Jacobs Paul Frees Dal McKennon 
  • 你一定还记得那个总是咯吱咯吱乱叫,爱四处啄木头的啄木鸟伍迪。似乎没有什么伍迪不能啃穿,啃木头的嗡嗡声响得让人睡不着觉,而这一点,正是伍迪的生父华特•兰兹创作他的灵感来源。从此荧屏上多了个吱呀乱叫红头蓝你一定还记得那个总是咯吱咯吱乱叫,爱四处啄木头的啄木鸟伍迪。似乎没有什么伍迪不能啃穿,啃木头的嗡嗡声响得让人睡不着觉,而这一点,正是伍迪的生父华特•兰兹创作他的灵感来源。从此荧屏上多了个吱呀乱叫红头蓝身尖嘴巴的啄木鸟形象。它带着几分神经质,惹出不少“猫和老鼠”般的笑话,号称鸟版“兔八哥”。《啄木鸟伍迪》诞生于1957年,许多观众最初是从《大风车》开始熟知,每集篇幅都不长,可谓老少咸宜。至今它的影响...
  • 剧情 惊悚 犯罪 电影 
  • RahelKapsaski MarkHomer AndromedaGodfrey 
  • 85分钟
  • 豆瓣 N/AApolicedetectiveconsultswithincarceratedmadmanTedBundytohelphimcatchTheGreenRiverKiller.
  • 纪录 剧情 
  • Homero Aridjis 
  • 50
  • The documentary depicts monarch butterflies’ great and mysterious migration. Each year’s autumn, milThe documentary depicts monarch butterflies’ great and mysterious migration. Each year’s autumn, millions of monarch butterflies start their incredible southward migration from Canada, cross America, to Mexico. They fly above 2,000 miles to arrive the mountain of Mexico .....The film opens with caterpillars munching milkweed in southern Canada in late summer. Soon each caterpillar transforms itself into a silky chrysalis. Roughly 10 days later, a delicate four-winged monarch emerges.Then, at some unknown signal, the monarchs take to the air on a two-month, 2,000-mile flight over fields, forests, cities, plains, open water, deserts, and finally mountains to congregate in a tiny, high-altitude region of central Mexico where they've never been before. Incredibly, they arrive by the millions at the same time each year.Shedding light on this natural wonder are some of the world's leading monarch researchers, including Lincoln Brower of Sweet Briar College, independent biologist Bill Calvert, and Orley "Chip" Taylor of the University of Kansas.Putting the monarch phenomenon into perspective, Taylor says, "You've got a butterfly that's originating in Toronto, or it's originating in Detroit, Michigan, or it's coming down from St. Paul or maybe even Winnipeg, and it's moving south. Somehow it finds its way to Mexico. Could you do that?"No one yet knows how the butterflies do it, but Taylor's research reveals that they are expert navigators. In one experiment, he transported Mexico-bound monarchs from Kansas to Washington, DC, and then set them loose. At first, they flew south as if they were still in Kansas—a course that from Washington would miss Mexico entirely. But after a few days, they corrected their flight path, as if some inborn GPS unit had alerted them to the true direction of their destination.In another sequence, NOVA accompanies celebrated monarch watcher Bill Calvert around backcountry Texas as he looks for signs of the monarch migration. Sure enough, they show up en masse and on time, heading toward the Sierra Madre mountains across the border—the last leg of their flight.And in the Mexican state of Michoacán, NOVA joins mountain villagers as they celebrate the arrival of the monarchs in the first week of November. The butterflies' arrival marks the start of a celebration called the Day of the Dead, since the local people have traditionally associated the monarchs with the returning souls of their departed ancestors.Unfortunately, illegal logging in the Mexican butterfly sanctuaries threatens the unique habitat that monarchs depend on for their survival. Monarchs may not yet be an endangered species, but their annual migration is an endangered phenomenon that could dwindle to insignificance if the giant firs that they cling to during the winter disappear.Gone also would be the colorful festival that closes the program—a fireworks display welcoming the hardy fliers to Mexico, with orange bursts against the black sky, looking almost like the beautiful cloaks of the monarchs..
  • 恐怖 电影 
  • Michael Worth John Saxon Tim Thomerson Natasha Alam Alex Ballar Siri Baruc Kristi Clainos 
  • 在一次普通的演习里,杰克作为步队 的首领,不幸使自己的手下熏染 上了某种病毒。人类只要一旦染上这种病毒,就会逐渐变异成为狼。然而,杰克身处困境,不但 自己要与病毒抗争,还要避开狼人的威胁。最终,他在一次普通的演习里,杰克作为步队 的首领,不幸使自己的手下熏染 上了某种病毒。人类只要一旦染上这种病毒,就会逐渐变异成为狼。然而,杰克身处困境,不但 自己要与病毒抗争,还要避开狼人的威胁。最终,他领导 三位女战士,与狼人的邪恶力量展开战斗。正义与邪恶的抗衡,又一次展开了风云对决。
  • 剧情 惊悚 电影 
  • 韦斯·斯塔迪 莉莎·博内特 莎拉·夏希 玛丽莎·托梅 杰森·莫玛 克里斯·勃朗宁 Linden Chiles Robert Homer Mollohan 
  • 影片主要讲述男主人公的母亲在一个印第安人居留地被奸杀,沃夫(杰森·莫玛饰)决定为母报仇,不料引起FBI的注意。于是他和失意音乐人卡什(罗伯特·莫洛汉饰)骑着摩托车一同前往美国西部建立他们自己的正义联盟影片主要讲述男主人公的母亲在一个印第安人居留地被奸杀,沃夫(杰森·莫玛饰)决定为母报仇,不料引起FBI的注意。于是他和失意音乐人卡什(罗伯特·莫洛汉饰)骑着摩托车一同前往美国西部建立他们自己的正义联盟。另外,该片还有莉莎·博内特(《考斯比一家》)、萨拉·沙希(《赤警威龙》)、迈克尔·雷蒙德-詹姆斯(《真爱如血》)、韦斯&midd