

  • 纪录 电影 
  • MikeRowe 
  • 渔人的屠杀 讲述一群从事世上其中一项随时会丧命,但利润最丰盛 的事情 的渔人在白令海,一起抵抗 着幻化 莫测的天气捕蟹的冒险经历。相信这一幕幕的生死生死 过程,会让我感觉 到人与大自然抵抗 时那种渔人的屠杀 讲述一群从事世上其中一项随时会丧命,但利润最丰盛 的事情 的渔人在白令海,一起抵抗 着幻化 莫测的天气捕蟹的冒险经历。相信这一幕幕的生死生死 过程,会让我感觉 到人与大自然抵抗 时那种坚毅勇敢的精神
  • 纪录 电影 
  • MikeRowe 锡格·汉森 JakeAnderson DaveFelton KeithColburn 
  • Sig and Jake have a massive falling out, leading to new strategies and new alliances. Josh Harris reSig and Jake have a massive falling out, leading to new strategies and new alliances. Josh Harris returns to captain his father"s boat. Sean plays dirty, but Wild Bill shows him he"s messing with the wrong Captain. With big rewards, come big risks.,
  • 纪录 电影 
  • MikeRowe 锡格·汉森 JakeAnderson DaveFelton 
  • Sig and Jake have a massive falling out, leading to new strategies and new alliances. Josh Harris reSig and Jake have a massive falling out, leading to new strategies and new alliances. Josh Harris returns to captain his father"s boat. Sean plays dirty, but Wild Bill shows him he"s messing with the wrong Captain. With big rewards, come big risks.
  • 纪录 电影 
  • MikeRowe 
  • Deadliest Catch is a documentary/reality television series produced by Original Productions for the Deadliest Catch is a documentary/reality television series produced by Original Productions for the Discovery Channel. It portrays the real life events aboard fishing vessels in the Bering Sea during the Alaskan king crab and C. opilio crab fishing seasons. The Aleutian Islands port of Dutch Harbor, Unalaska, Alaska, is the base of operations for the fishing fleet. The show"s name derives from the inherent high risk of injury or death associated with the work.   Deadliest Catch premiered on the Discovery Channel on April 12, 2005 and currently airs in over 150 countries. The first season consisted of ten episodes, with the finale airing on June 14, 2005. Subsequent seasons have aired on the same April to June or July schedule every year since the original 2005 season. The eighth season premiered on April 10, 2012 at 9PM ET/PT. Seasons are taped during the previous fall (king crab) and winter (C. opilio) crab seasons.
  • 纪录 电影 
  • MikeRowe 
  • 渔人的屠杀 是Discovery频道的一档节目,世界上其中一种最危险,又最赚钱的事情 ,就是于严寒的阿拉斯加水域捕获 帝皇蟹和歌比利奥蟹。追随 5艘捕蟹船到白令海,看看那些大无畏的渔人怎样捕蟹。渔人要渔人的屠杀 是Discovery频道的一档节目,世界上其中一种最危险,又最赚钱的事情 ,就是于严寒的阿拉斯加水域捕获 帝皇蟹和歌比利奥蟹。追随 5艘捕蟹船到白令海,看看那些大无畏的渔人怎样捕蟹。渔人要在零度以下的北极天气,时速凌驾 26公里的强风,以及波涛汹涌的大海,展开捕蟹事情 。幸运的话,船上大家 每天晚上可睡上3至4小时,但一旦大量海水涌进甲板,并在船上结冰,便雪上加霜,甲板水手要停止捕蟹,努力用大槌清理冰块。Discovery频道获提名艾美奖的系列节目《渔人的屠杀 》每星期吸引近
  • 纪录 电影 
  • MikeRowe SigHansen KeithColburn 
  • On the cusp of king crab season, a massive new boat helmed by a renegade captain discovers the crab On the cusp of king crab season, a massive new boat helmed by a renegade captain discovers the crab are all in one spot. As the fleet races to find the quarter billion-dollar hoard, captains battle each other and the Bering Sea to claim their share of the bounty.