

  • 动漫 
  • Alfred Bjerre Larsen Oscar Dietz Asta Nordby Peter Zhelder 
  • Albert who lives in the small Danish provincial town Kalleby. Albert is always up to no good, but heAlbert who lives in the small Danish provincial town Kalleby. Albert is always up to no good, but he's also really clumsy. One day he comes to overturn the city's landmarks - a statue of a balloon captain. The townspeople are mildly not happy with his recent accident, so with his best friend, Egon, Albert takes off on an adventure to find a real balloon. On their trip postponed friends of both robbers, gypsies and the world's largest diamond.
  • 动画 电影 
  • Alfred Bjerre Larsen Oscar Dietz Asta Nordby Peter Zhelder 
  • 70分钟
  • 凯利小镇是一个美丽宁静的小镇,某天一声尖叫震惊了全镇。原来是阿尔伯特降生了,他一出生便会说话,而且聪明伶俐,力大无比,无所不能。父母十分宠爱这个健康有活力的孩子。然而小镇的居民被这个淘气的孩子闹得鸡犬  AlbertwholivesinthesmallDanishprovincialtownKalleby.Albertisalwaysuptonogood,buthe'salsoreallyclumsy.Onedayhecomestooverturnthecity'slandmarks-astatueofaballooncaptain.Thetownspeoplearemildlynothappywithhisrecentaccident,sowithhisbestfriend,Egon,Alberttakesoffonanadventuretofindarealballoon.Ontheirtrippostponed...