

  • 国产 电视 
  • https: 3img.hitv.com preview sp_images 2024 02 19 202402191040455522678.jpg_220x308.jpg 
  • 故事讲述“欢喜一家人”上演充满奇思妙想的欢乐日常。胡小妮和何向南为了要回一笔欠款费尽周折,两个宝贝孩子何星辰和胡晓月在不断制造“麻烦”的过程中茁壮成长,欢喜亲家胡父跟何父乐斗智斗勇争当舞林盟主,胡母和故事讲述“欢欣一家人”演出充溢奇思妙想的欢乐日常。胡小妮和何向南为了要回一笔欠款费尽周折,两个宝贝孩子何星斗和胡晓月在不时制造“费事”的进程中茁壮生长,欢欣亲家胡父跟何父乐斗智斗勇争当舞林盟主,胡母和邻居王美芹也不甘示弱演出一出好戏,一位走失的老人将何向南堕入万难之地,面前却隐藏着一段不为人知动人故事。总之,大家相互拆台又相互依托,在每一次的欢笑与考验之中,亲情和友爱的凝聚力失掉增强。
  • 爱情 剧情 电影 
  • Glenn Kohan 波姬·小丝 克里斯托弗斯·阿特金斯 莱奥·麦凯恩 Leo Mc Kern Alan Hopgood Gus Mercurio 克里斯多夫·亚金斯 
  • 在一次海难中,一艘邮轮沉没之后,一男一女两名孩子流落在荒岛上,二人学会野外求生的能力,长大之后又逐渐了解性与爱,而且还生了一个婴儿,他们一家三口在海岛生活非常幸福,甚至拒绝了一艘大船的救助意外发生了,在一次海难中,一艘邮轮沉没之后,一男一女两名孩子流落在荒岛上,二人学会野外求生的能力,长大之后又逐渐了解性与爱,而且还生了一个婴儿,他们一家三口在海岛生活非常幸福,甚至拒绝了一艘大船的救助意外发生了,一天,女孩和他们的小孩乘坐小船游玩时不小心把船浆碰到海里,男孩在游泳过来救她们的时候碰到鲨鱼,女孩把另外一个船浆掷向鲨鱼,使男孩顺利的爬上小船,失去两只船浆的小船被海风刮离海岸,一家三口也只有蜷缩在船舱里,随着小船漂流在漫无边际的大海里。兰德尔·克莱泽执导的这部影片,将《南海天堂》的同一故事重拍,但改为悲剧收场,而且男女主角选用十多岁的青少年演员,更贴合剧中身份,也较能使画面上呈现出更多的青春气息,相信在看完影片后,会让你大吃一惊。
  • 动画 动漫 
  • PhillipGlasser JamesStewart EricaYohn CathyCavadini 
  • Some time after the Mousekewitz"s have settled in America, they find that they are still havingSome time after the Mousekewitz"s have settled in America, they find that they are still having problems with the threat of cats. That makes them eager to try another home out in the west, where they are promised that mice and cats live in peace. Unfortunately, the one making this claim is an oily con artist named Cat R. Waul who is intent on his own sinister plan. Unaware of this, the Mousekewitz"s begin their journey west, while their true cat friend, Tiger, follows intent on following his girlfriend gone in the same direction.
  • 综艺节目 综艺 
  • https: ae01.alicdn.com kf U22fa17951c1b4285b56f72f01a7a8d06W.jpg 
  •  2020香港小姐竞选》决赛30日晚举行,结果曾经出炉:谢嘉怡勇夺冠军,亚军由陈桢怡夺得,郭柏妍则夺得季军经过了近两个月的网下面试、屡次线下复试之后,往年的香港小姐由混血儿谢嘉怡取得(爸爸是 2020香港小姐竞选》决赛30日晚举行,结果曾经出炉:谢嘉怡勇夺冠军,亚军由陈桢怡夺得,郭柏妍则夺得季军经过了近两个月的网下面试、屡次线下复试之后,往年的香港小姐由混血儿谢嘉怡取得(爸爸是中国香港人,妈妈是苏格兰人),她的职业是一名护士。
  • 日本动漫 动漫 
  • http: my.mx456.com Upload video 2021-05 609ea1c17f449.jpg 
  •  When a mysterious and dangerous whirlpool phenomenon appears in the tropics of the Atlantic Ocean,  When a mysterious and dangerous whirlpool phenomenon appears in the tropics of the Atlantic Ocean, Belka and Strelka, the first astronauts on their way back from a mission to Saturn, are sent to investigate. As they venture down into the swirling ocean depths, they discover a mysterious UFO attempting to steal all of Earths water. With the help of their good friends, Belka and Strelka once again perform a heroic mission to save both our planet and the distant home of their new alien friends.