- 类型:剧情 电影
- 主演:托尼·塞尔维洛 埃利奥·杰曼诺 菲利普·鲁纳 丹妮拉·玛拉 巴博拉·伯布洛瓦 福斯托·鲁索·阿莱西 安东尼娅·特波 托马索·拉尼奥 罗伯托·德·弗朗西斯科 Giuseppe Tantillo 贝蒂·佩德拉兹 Rosario Palazzolo 文森佐·费雷拉 Maurizio Marchetti 吉安卢卡·扎卡里亚 Lucio Patanè
- 时长:122分钟
- 详细介绍:“在意大利丰富的犯罪历史中,马蒂奥·梅西纳·德纳罗和他的30年销声匿迹是独一无二的,”导演们坚持说,“多年来的调查和报道中透露出的细节,让我们有机会深入了解他神秘的性格,并揭示他隐身存在所培育的广泛关“在意大利丰厚的立功历史中,马蒂奥·梅西纳·德纳罗和他的30年偃旗息鼓是无独有偶的,”导演们坚持说,“多年来的调查和报道中透显露的细节,让我们无机遇深化了解他微妙的性情,并提示他隐身存在所培育的普遍关系网络。在我们的电影中,在理性的醒悟中追逐梦想的人们,最终都堕入了喜剧而荒唐的噩梦之中。”详情
- 类型:剧情 电影
- 主演:克劳迪亚·潘多尔菲 安德烈亚·阿鲁 Sara Ciocca Samuele Carrino 科拉多·福耳图那 Settimo Palazzo Barbara Bovoli Maurizio Jiritano Pietro Serpi
- 时长:114分钟
- 详细介绍:Andrea had just turned fifteen when he decided to take his life. He seemed to be a happy teenager, wAndrea had just turned fifteen when he decided to take his life. He seemed to be a happy teenager, with good grades at school and an excellent relationship with his parents. There seemed to be no explanation for what he did, until his mother accessed his Facebook profile and reconstructed the terrifying bullying and cyberbullying her son was going through at school.详情