

  • 伦理 电影 
  • Florinda Bolkan Daniela Poggi Serena Grandi Anna Maria Petrova Letizia Raco Fabrizia Flanders Slava Racheva 
  • The former dancer of the night clubs come to her hometown after three years of absence. At present sThe former dancer of the night clubs come to her hometown after three years of absence. At present she has a successful marriage, behind - tragedy of the suicide of her father. Olga starts getting threatening calls, following her wart on the bike. In short, someone is trying to mystify it in a natural way. A police officer investigating the case of the threat - her ex-lover, an...
  • 电影 
  • 小泰德·戴比斯TedDiBiaseJr. LaraCox JosiahD.Lee CameronPearson 
  • 豆瓣 5.2 / IMDB 5.0乔•林伍德(小泰德•戴比斯TedDiBiaseJr.饰)是美军陆战队驻东南亚基地的一名特种侦查兵。在一次狙杀军火商人的举动中,乔杰出完成了义务,却也造成一名无辜少年逝世。在此之后,他得以回美国休假。与此同时,乔的妻子却约他去东南亚的谭吉拉海滩度假。本来妻子的老板达伦•考那在本地开发了五星级的度假村,匹俦俩应邀前往。身心倍感疲乏的乔耐不住妻子的央求,只得一同前往。  本地秀美的自然风景让这个男人的心灵暂时得到舒缓,然而好景不长。正当度假村举办隆重的庆贺派对时,一伙蒙面匪徒杀进村中,将这群上流人士劫为人质。侥幸逃脱的乔决议返回,以解救妻子和那群无辜之人……  本片男主角TedDiBiaseJr.是美国最大摔角组织WWE的摔角明星。
  • 剧情 电影 
  • DavidCaracol Malaquias JoséKiteculo 
  • 72
  • Whentheair-conditionersmysteriouslystarttofallincityofLuanda,Matacedo(securityguard)andZezinha(houseWhentheair-conditionersmysteriouslystarttofallincityofLuanda,Matacedo(securityguard)andZezinha(housemaid)havethemissionofretrievingtheirboss'sac.