

  • 动作 
  • Hairul Azreen Yayan Ruhian 
  •  分开军队后,哈桑回到家里协助他的mm还清债务,为了做到这一点,他们必需结合起来对立组织者的儿子 分开军队后,哈桑回到家里协助他的mm还清债务,为了做到这一点,他们必需结合起来统一组织者的儿子
  • 剧情 
  • Hairul Azreen Yayan Ruhian 
  • Afterleavingthemilitary,Hassanreturnshometohelphisbrothersettleadebt,todosotheymustteamuptofighttheoAfterleavingthemilitary,Hassanreturnshometohelphisbrothersettleadebt,todosotheymustteamuptofighttheorganiser’ssons
  • 剧情 电影 
  • Hairul Azreen Yayan Ruhian 
  • After leaving the military, Hassan returns home to help his brother settle a debt, to do so they musAfter leaving the military, Hassan returns home to help his brother settle a debt, to do so they must team up to fight the organiser's sons.