

  • 剧情  爱情 情色 电影 
  • Carla Juri Christoph Letkowski 梅雷特·贝克尔 阿克塞尔·米尔伯格 Marlen Kruse Peri Baumeister Edgar Selge 哈里·贝尔 Fred Aaron Blake Anna König Christian Natter Monika Obmalko Amelie Plaas-Link Florian Rummel Pia Röver 
  • 111分钟
  • 豆瓣 6.6海伦(卡拉·朱里CarlaJuri饰)是一位十八岁的妙龄少女,她本性桀骜不驯,又十分叛逆,喜欢特立独行的生活方式,向往自由的人生哲学。某日,她突发奇想决定刮肛毛,结果受了伤,导致痔疮大出血,不得不住进了医院。  规矩多多的住院生活对于海伦来说简直就如同坐牢,好在这里有一位名叫罗宾(ChristophLetkowski饰)的男护士,罗宾个性温文尔雅又彬彬有礼,深得海伦的喜爱,然而,罗宾的内心早已经被一位漂亮的女护士所占据,当然,奔放的海伦可管不了这么多,她使出了浑身解数,想要勾引罗宾。在海伦的内心里一直隐藏着一个和她叛逆外表并不相称的愿望,那就是希望离婚的父亲和母亲破镜重圆。
  • 纪录 电影 
  • Hans-Michael Rehberg Dieter Traier 尤尔根·普洛斯诺 曼弗莱德·扎帕卡 Heinz Bennent Edgar Selge Angela Winkler 布鲁诺·甘茨 
  • War and Peace: At the peak of the Cold War, the short-range missile crisis, neutron bombs could haveWar and Peace: At the peak of the Cold War, the short-range missile crisis, neutron bombs could have potentially annihilated Central Europe. 300,000 protesters in Bonn. German Chancellor Schmidt resigns. Why make a film collage about war?"Nothing is more discouraging than not being able to see through a game on which your life hinges."Alexander Kluge about War and Peace:There are experiences which move the senses and the heart but which, once robbed of their historical context, are very ha...