

  • 剧情 电影 
  • Abed Abest Vahid Rad Majid Yousefi Danial Khojasteh Shahrzad Seifi Asghar Piran Javad Pourheidari Javad Pouladi Hananeh Shahrokhi Alireza Saveh Doroudi Iman Basim 
  • 84分钟
  • 一天晚上,三个无聊的年轻人突发奇想拜访一位与他们相交不深的老人。一开始老人看到他们还挺开心,但慢慢意识到这三个家伙是来上门抢劫的不速之客。老人拿出枪来制服他们并叫来了警察,三个年轻人就这样被抓了起来。  一天晚上,三个无聊的年轻人突发奇想拜访一位与他们相交不深的老人。一开始老人看到他们还挺开心,但慢慢意识到这三个家伙是来上门抢劫的不速之客。老人拿出枪来制服他们并叫来了警察,三个年轻人就这样被抓了起来。而这竟只是一场用电脑特技模拟出来的"闹剧"。
  • 动作 
  • 玛丽·阿皮克 Shahrzad 巴赫曼·莫菲德 
  • Dash Akol is greatly respected in Shiraz as an honorable man who has lost his family's money thrDash Akol is greatly respected in Shiraz as an honorable man who has lost his family's money through helping his friends. He has an enemy, however, named Kaka Rostam, a mean and spiteful person. Dash Akol, who is in his forties, falls in love with Marjan, daughter of the late Haji Samad, for whose estate he is the executor. But he keeps his love secret. One day a suitor asks for Marjan's hand, and Dash Akol considers it against his code of honor to refuse. On the night of the wedding, Dash Akol hands over responsibility for the family to the bridegroom. As he is leaving the house, however, Kaka Rostam is waiting for him and a fight ensues. Kaka Rostam stabs him in the back, but Dash Akol succeeds in killing him. On his deathbed, Dash Akol sends his parrot to Marjan with the confession of love he has taught it.
  • 剧情 电影 
  • 佩嘉·费多尼 Arita Shahrzad 沙布纳姆·托洛伊 奥丝·图思 
  • 改编自伊朗作家莎纳许·帕西普尔的魔幻写实小说,小说在1989年被禁。影片讲述1953年夏天四名伊朗妇女的生命奇遇,那一年美国中情局颠覆了伊朗政府,民众支持的摩萨台政府被推翻,国王重新获得权力。电影侧重  西丽·娜沙特的第一部长片是改编自伊朗作家莎纳许·帕西普尔的魔幻写实小说,小说在1989年被禁。影片讲述1953年夏天四名伊朗妇女的生命奇遇,那一年美国中情局颠覆了伊朗政府,民众支持的摩萨台政府被推翻,国王重新获得权力。电影侧重于表现每个女人的追求变化和神秘相遇,鼓励女性与社会禁忌抗争,讴歌自由。
  • 电影 
  • Abed Abest Vahid Rad Majid Yousefi Danial Khojasteh Shahrzad Seifi Asghar Piran Javad Pourheidari Javad Pouladi Hananeh Shahrokhi Alireza Saveh Doroudi Iman Basim 
  • 84
  • 一天晚上,三个无聊的年轻人突发奇想拜访一位与他们相交不深的老人。一开始老人看到他们还挺开心,但慢慢意识到这三个家伙是来上门抢劫的不速之客。老人拿出枪来制服他们并叫来了警察,三个年轻人就这样被抓了起来。一天晚上,三个无聊的年轻人突发奇想拜访一位与他们相交不深的老人。一开始老人看到他们还挺开心,但慢慢意识到这三个家伙是来上门抢劫的不速之客。老人拿出枪来制服他们并叫来了警察,三个年轻人就这样被抓了起来。而这竟只是一场用电脑特技模拟出来的"闹剧"。