

  • 动作 悬疑 电影 
  • 秦阳明 刘钇彤 田璐 李柏谊 王双宝 段宇华 王岗 
  • 玄学大师秦波受到金三角某监狱的邀请看风水。进入监狱后,秦波却被当做了犯人关押。想要自救的秦波发现自己被人陷害,而且这个监狱里还有闹鬼的传闻,定期有犯人被所谓厉鬼索命,秦波决心要查明真相。在不断的和狱霸  影片讲述了海江大学天文学系副教授波受到金三角某监狱的邀请,来到监狱看风水,却秦波却被当做了犯人关押。想要自救的却发现自己是被人陷害入狱,而这个监狱却恐怖至极,频现闹鬼传闻。狱医美琴的出现使他再得机会,与团队里应外合计划越狱,不料危机却越陷越深,美琴的真实身份更是匪夷所思。这段惊险的历程让秦波重拾自我,褪去了原本孤傲自大的心理,在人性交往中悟出了什么才是真正的自我价值。
  • 动作 奇幻 电影 
  • 秦阳明 冷昊泽 陈霜 周晓鸥 
  • 80分钟
  • 民国西式医学院的学生陈锦生,帮助师叔冷大师经营私家侦探社“福摩侦探社”,前清第一快刀刘一刀被徒弟牛二屠门,陈锦生和冷大师通过蛛丝马迹查案,但北城富豪田不换、南城粮商范不着、前朝大员增世梁家,诡异的案件  民国西式医学院的学生陈锦生,帮助师叔冷大师经营私家侦探社“福摩侦探社”,前清第一快刀刘一刀被徒弟牛二屠门,陈锦生和冷大师通过蛛丝马迹查案,但北城富豪田不换、南城粮商范不着、前朝大员增世梁家,诡异的案件仍然在接连发生……鬼市?监牢?风水?五行?到底是谁在暗中操纵!仇杀?情敌?春药?蛊毒?到底是谁在掌控一切!
  • 悬疑 奇幻 
  • 秦阳明 周晓鸥 陈霜 冷昊泽 杨大为 李东海 田璐 马志勇 李胜僧 韩东哲 
  • Chen Jinsheng, a student majoring in western medicine during the period of the Republic of China, heChen Jinsheng, a student majoring in western medicine during the period of the Republic of China, helps his senior Master Leng to run Fumo Detective Office, a private detective agency. Liu Yidao, the ace headsman in the past Qing Dynasty, has his family members murdered by his disciple Niu Er. Chen Jinsheng and Master Leng tried to investigate the case through all kinds of traces. However, more mysterious murders are followed, such as the billionaire Tian Buhuan in the northern city, the food dealer Fan Buzhao in the southern city, the Liangs with a high position in the imperial court of the past Qing Dynasty, and many others. Ghost markets? Prisons? Geomancy? The Five Elements? Who is behind it? Revengeful murders? Rivals in love? Love-philters? Venomous poisons? Who is behind everything?