

  • 电影 
  • 黄放 郑阳 马佳乐 何有理 郭可文 马志勇 
  • 劫犯白勇跟随老大杀人后连夜逃窜,深山荒野间闯入包工头刘三林家,刘三林毫无觉察间就被突如其来的劫匪绑进密室关押。白勇惊慌失措正准备歇息一口气,谁知翻墙而入的推销员胡戈打破了这份混乱中的寂静,胡戈恍惚间便  劫犯白勇跟随老大杀人后连夜逃窜,深山荒野间闯入包工头刘三林家,刘三林毫无觉察间就被突如其来的劫匪绑进密室关押。白勇惊慌失措正准备歇息一口气,谁知翻墙而入的推销员胡戈打破了这份混乱中的寂静,胡戈恍惚间便沦为了密室待宰的羔羊。山村女教师卢燕放假回家途中经过刘三林家,误入家中的她在白勇的狡诈辩解中被打晕捆绑进密室。本来毫无瓜葛的三人就这样被抓在了一起。一场斗智斗勇的密室逃脱案就这样拉开了序幕。
  • 悬疑 奇幻 
  • 秦阳明 周晓鸥 陈霜 冷昊泽 杨大为 李东海 田璐 马志勇 李胜僧 韩东哲 
  • Chen Jinsheng, a student majoring in western medicine during the period of the Republic of China, heChen Jinsheng, a student majoring in western medicine during the period of the Republic of China, helps his senior Master Leng to run Fumo Detective Office, a private detective agency. Liu Yidao, the ace headsman in the past Qing Dynasty, has his family members murdered by his disciple Niu Er. Chen Jinsheng and Master Leng tried to investigate the case through all kinds of traces. However, more mysterious murders are followed, such as the billionaire Tian Buhuan in the northern city, the food dealer Fan Buzhao in the southern city, the Liangs with a high position in the imperial court of the past Qing Dynasty, and many others. Ghost markets? Prisons? Geomancy? The Five Elements? Who is behind it? Revengeful murders? Rivals in love? Love-philters? Venomous poisons? Who is behind everything?